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Things Guys Look Out For In A Woman

Men are not as predictable as we think they are. Yes, they want beautiful women that can turn heads, complete with the perfect curves in the right places but that’s not all they desire in a woman,
especially one they want to spend the rest of their lives with. The quality they want in a woman is not reliant upon the fact that she is a beauty queen or the brightest kid on the block. You can be so beautiful and so intelligent and still not get a man that will be interested in spending forever with you.  So, beauty and brains may be enough to get the man but will never be enough to keep man. These are some of the attributes a woman should posses in order to keep her man; they are qualities every man looks out for in the woman they eventually want to end up with:
1.       Honesty:
There’s nothing more attractive than a woman who a man can trust completely, who is not afraid to share with her man how she feels; her insecurities, wants and dislikes. This is essential to the growth and establishment of a very deep relationship. Trust is very important in building a long lasting relationship where you can be free with each other. You will find no need to lie and it will be easy to communicate with such woman. It is hard to stay with a woman who lies about almost everything and who you can’t trust with your emotions much less your life affairs. Men need women they can confide in at all times.

2.        A Confident Woman:
 Every man wants a woman who is comfortable with herself, who doesn’t need a man to validate her existence. Of course, it is very good for a man to compliment his woman from time to time, assure her of his love for her and show how much she means to him but waiting for a man to sing your praises before you feel good about yourself is a no no. you will come off as very needy and insecure. No matter how beautiful or how intelligent a woman may be, as long as she doesn’t believe in herself or thinks she is good enough for any man, she is going to have a very big problem keeping a man. No one wants a woman whose esteem is nothing to write home about. Insecurity is contagious; no one wants to catch it.

3.       Loyalty:
Men want women who will stay with them through thick and thin, through the good times and especially the bad times. They don’t want ladies who will run away at the first hint of trouble. They want to be able to rely on you and boast of you that you will stay even at the darkest times. A loyal woman proves that they are worth the trouble, they are worth fighting for. You see the old couples you envy and want to be like, they didn’t stay together because the journey was all rosy and it was wining and dining all the way, it was because they stuck with each other despite the problems and dark clouds. Every man wants a woman who has their back every time.

4.       Easy Going:
No one wants to befriend the lousy, trouble maker much less marry them. It is hard to stick with a woman who gives you a heart attack just by thinking of her. If he feels like he is walking on hot coals every time he is around you, he will flee. Nobody wants to get married to a rigid, uptight woman they can’t relax around or be happy going home to. We all want peace of mind, a place to get the love and warmth we don’t get outside. An easy going woman is respectful, kind and passionate. So marrying a woman who is not easy going, easy to relate with is definitely not in any man’s book.

5.       Sensuality And Warmth:
A sensual and warm woman makes you feel on top of the world both in and out of the bed. She knows exactly what to do get her husband to smile especially when he is down. She knows how to turn him on and makes her feel like he is the luckiest man in the world. Every man wants a man like this; a woman who will give him a good reason to run home straight after work. A woman who he can work with to keep the flame in their marriage burning hot.
Every guy wants more than just a girlfriend, they want a companion that is caring, loyal, affectionate, who they can trust completely. They want women they can communicate with, play with, make love to and build an enviable family with. If you think men want the girl with the perfect body, great taste in fashion, sexy and brilliant, trust me you’re wrong. Of course, they want women they can be proud to show off to everyone but they also want women who will make the rest of their lives the best they will ever have.

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