to Share Our Voyage


   We live in a fast growing world; people are leaving their comfort zone in order to meet never ending needs. Modernization in transportation, telecommunication, building, food, cloths has gone a long way in affecting our love lives. You fall in love with someone at the end of the day the person leaves your zone to another, not intentionally but either fate or choice. Shit always happen, “have you ever heard of a
perfect relationship?” i haven’t anyway. I never liked the idea of long distance relationship until I met my lovely girlfriend “Sparkle” whom we should be clocking two years this June. I embraced it when I realized we will be distant in flesh but not in spirit and soul. I hear her heartbeat; see her smiles, drink the soundtrack of her soprano drunk in estrogen. Oh okay this is not a poem.
   Basically I want to share some secrets that have helped me all these years, tips that will flourish and revive your relationship despite how far the distance is.
Communication: Your spouse is just like any regular friend. The only difference is that you guys share intimate feelings for each other. Among all the communication gadgets, you have a long list to use in bridging the distance. Utilize it accurately and consider your relationship a topnotch (We got Whatsapp, BBM, Facebook chat, Instagram, Twitter and many more.). Although you will need to instill the “Miss Me Effect” (everyone respects something that’s scarce).As for sex chat, it should be minimal, this is what happens; you get yourself horny, and since your spouse is so far away to quench that thirst, you look for a nearby cheerful giver to cool off your “congi”(sexual urge). From another angle, repetitive and valueless chat quickens lost of interest in your spouse. Chat responsible, ask about how their daily activities went, talk in details, crack jokes, share pix and chat Christ. Distance has a way of bringing out the Shakespeare in us. 
N/B: Its not by the number of times you two talk but by the content of what is said
   It’s extremely striking when you receive an early morning text or good night text from your loved one, it’s a culture that needs to be mastered which will go a long way in refreshing your spouse mind about you.
Self: Distance relationship gives you a podium to understand yourself perfectly well as well as builds your self-dependence. It builds your maturity level twice as fast as any relationship will do because you are all alone to decide what will be. If you really are in love with your spouse, you’ll be mindful of the place you visit in their absence, even extends it to the kind of friends you keep. Ladies you must be careful on the kind of friends you keep while in a distance relationship. Girls love it when their friends flow in same trend with them, if your friends are flirts the tendency they want you to be such is high so “run for your life”. Get yourself occupied with positive activities that add value to your body, soul and spirit and watch you soar with quality.
Eliminate Suspicion: Try not to get in the web of suspicion; this changes the whole ball game. You turn yourself into an FBI overnight; I bet you such moves end up back firing. If your spouse is cheating ignore them and play your path right (that’s if you choose to continue and must have addressed the situation, nothing ever gets hidden under the sun). Suspicion makes you act foolish by reading wrong meanings to calls, text messages and other relative actions.
    You should have it in mind that you two both have friends and in one or two occasions, him/her might be hanging out with them. The best way to let go of suspicion is by simply asking of their friends. You can go an extra mile requesting to speak with their friends on the phone if need be for one reason or the other to ensure safety and trust.

Fly Your Flag: Don’t be scared to talk about your relationship, be proud about it, if you are asked, tell people about your relationship, if your spouse calls you, take excuse and answer the call. You don’t need to hide it because he or she isn’t present. The way you carry your relationship determines how far you two will go. People may not tell you but they admire, respect the way you carry your relationship and wish their spouse do the same wherever they might be.
We Shall See Soon: Always express how much you believe in yourself and the love you two share, encourage him/her that sometime soon you two will see again. Work towards, it, pray towards it and I bet you it won’t just happen but in a comfortable note.
   I know some people might say it’s impossible for distance to settle into my relationship because they in same state and all that, married couples often have issues with distance due to job promotions or other responsibilities. Will you then say you can’t glue the distance because you are feeble to handle you it?
   Long distance relationship is beautiful and interesting that’s if you are matured and brave enough to glue it. All you have to do is to be true to yourself and quit deceiving others. Dont be scared to fall in love. Stay fresh and warm ya all.


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