to Share Our Voyage

Surrender Your Life to Purpose

We all come to this world hungry to move forward. There is an air of competition and survival that litters our environment
and each and everyone has followed that trail in some shape or form at different stages in their lives.
The problem is, this trail has been laid by convention and society. It has nothing to do with who you really are as a person.
When you step on this path of preparation which leads to ideal dreams of graduation, marriage, children, career success and so on, some climb that ladder and are left desperately seeking and burdened with hunger.
The hunger for more… but more of what, is the question.
This is the point at which purpose has started calling.
And it has always been there-silently seeking your attention through your groans of misery as you face another day’s work in the office, at home, or even in college.
Purpose calls for your attention-and it seeks an audience.
Slowly it grows louder and more determined as your steps move more reluctantly along the path dictated by society and your ears become accustomed to its deep sound of discontentment.
This is the point where you can either stop and listen and begin to speak the language of your dreams, or you could alternatively, choose to ignore its pleas for realization.
For those that stop to listen; this is for you.
Those that have decided to face the path of destiny and give into their dreams. Those that are brave enough to allow their hearts speak truth into a dying situation of discontentment.
When purpose comes into your life, it starts with a whisper. This means you are not quite sure what it is trying to say but you are curious enough to pay attention to its voice.
Most people ignore this whisper even though it carries a clear warning of truth.
How do you begin to acknowledge its voice?
There are steps one can take to ease listening.
Change your thought process
When purpose speaks-fear usually answers. And fear is a force of negativity that suffocates an air of positivity. When you listen to fear, purpose loses its voice in your life because you have burdened your mindset with reasons why you cannot achieve your calling in life.
Speak in faith
Just as fear kills visions, faith awakens dreams. When you respond to the whisper of purpose with an ear tuned to positivity, you have given your faith the root to speak to your purpose. This will enable a language of communication to your heart that will provide steps and stages that ultimately enable you to discover your dreams.
When you start to speak in faith, you empower your purpose
Hence its whisper grows stronger with truth. As this happens, you discover your environment begins to change-this is ultimately because you have allowed your mindset to shift.
Purpose starts to lead your routine
What this means is since you have empowered your purpose with an audience to speak, it will begin to lead you to ideas that will bring forth your desires into reality.
This change is internal before it affects your exterior environment
When purpose begins to speak into your life, and you begin to listen in faith, your heart becomes the breeding ground of determination. Your mind shifts to the process of discovering your dreams.
As this change has occurred internally, your exterior environment has to respond
This is because your steps have shifted and hence you have adopted a new path-hence the environment will not respond in the same way. Suddenly, you realize, with each step, you grow more confident in your walk, your heart becomes stronger with a siren that sings of supervision and enablement. And as you listen, paths of opportunity begin to open.
These are some steps that will enable you to move into your purpose. No one begins this journey with a clear picture of their destination-the importance is in starting the journey.
And when you are brave enough to listen, your purpose will begin to speak and show you the path to your calling in life.
A calling that will enable you to walk in fulfillment and to move in confidence because you have finally started the process of walking into who you are truly meant to become and walking away from who you once were.
This shift is important as it means your mind has graduated from fear into faith, your steps have moved from discontentment to determination, and your words have ultimately changed from the point of negativity to speaking in positivity.
Just watch. Your environment will respond to this change and you will have begun the journey to self-realization.


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