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6 Ways To Make That Long Distance Relationship Work

Long distance relationships have so many good sides which are almost as equal to the bad sides.
The positive sides can have a temporary effect which can make it work for a while but if it drags on, the negatives begin to come to the fore. This may make you want to consider cutting of ties for the sake of your happiness.
It is important to understand how your relationship is contributing to your happiness and wellbeing. Ensuring that both you and your partner are contributing equally and that you both know each other well enough. Having a solid grasp of each other is essential as you both are bound to make changes that inconvenience you as time goes on in the relationship.
More often than not, it is normal to get used to the distance in the relationship and you forget that you can actually live your life in a completely different way. Thus, the question here is do long distance relationships really work or are they doomed from the onset? Let’s look at ways and things to do to make them work.
Make it real
If you are sure both of you love each other, why not make it real? If you have tried doing this to no avail, then it is time to look at what or who is actually causing the stall.
Perhaps it is because you have some reservations about your partner. Maybe you don’t care about them as much as you think you do or maybe you are scared of commitment. Your fears might be the clog in the wheel of actualizing your long distance relationship.
If you are sure you want the relationship, then find ways to make it work and enjoy yourself while you’re at it. In all, life is about taking calculated risks. Avoid making rash decisions that are based on emotional sentiments. Remember not to rush things as if they are truly yours, everything will pan out.
Have you thought of what it takes?
Ask yourself if you are ready to make a life changing decision such as moving to another state, leaving behind your job, family and friends. It could be difficult being in an area where you know no one and also the effect it is bound to have on your career.
Would they change their life for you?
If you have thoughts of changing major things in your life, is your partner ready to do the same? All major decisions you both want to take must have inputs from you both. You should discuss the pros and cons and see each other as equals.
Are you spending all your savings?
If you find out you’re spending all your savings just to go see them and they aren’t appreciating you, then it is time to stop and consider if you are putting more of your heart and money than your partner is.
There’s quite a thin line between sacrificing for the relationship and sabotaging yourself. A fine line between sacrifice and self-sabotage. Your career lasts a lifetime and you both should discuss before giving it up for something that is less fulfilling and pays lesser.
Have you pictured your future with them?
Have you thought of the differences you have and how your future with them will be? It is important to know if your lifestyles match regarding temperament, religion, political views and a host of other things.
Do you really know them well?
The major problem associated with long distance relationships is that both persons involved have a skewed perception of each other and what the relationship should be like. This creates unrealistic expectations mostly arising from fancy stories about how perfect life will be with them. It’s not until you spend a significant amount time with your partner before you really get to know them well.
It is important you see your partner from various aspects of life and how they relate to life issues before you commit your life to them.
These questions should help you know how serious you want to be with them. Long distance relationships are fun if you both are truthful and honest about it. The focus should be on helping each other to create a loving and successful relationship.


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