to Share Our Voyage

Life is a pocket

NB; no attention was paid to the typographical accuracy (so i case i "gbagaun" sorry in advance )

Hello ...i'm henry uche dennis .... I havent  wrote a story in a long time sha ( been super busy) ....
Okay one random saturday eve a nigga as usual , i was bored and all ... looking for mad fun ,i went to hang out at bar / chilling zone like that , So i dressed up boarded a bike as usual to this cool new bar , certain i will meet lots of fine ass girls there i stuffed my wallet with enuff cash  (mind u, them just paid me salary na why )...

I arrived the club as badt ,sharp nigga , i  took a seat beside one lia skin beauty like that ( feeling quite confident that i had money in wallet ) ... I ordered for a bottle of orijin and grilled fish to start with as i check out our lia skin bae ... I checked her out for about 10 minutes and i noticed she wasnt really feeling the environment ( she was prolly bored ) ... So i leaned closer (trynna form James bond ) to start a convo .. and Of course i started a convo like a boss ...
Before long i asked if i could buy her a drink  ... she obliged and i also went to do oversabi (i asked the waiter to bring grilled chicken for aunty lia skin and give what she wanted  ( i knew i fucked up but fuck it bro , i have money) .... i ordered more drinks for myself and one more grilled fish ...

Wait first , lemme describe how this lia skinned babe was ( to justify why was so into her)
She was 5,2foot tall , With medium size ass (ass was so portable when i saw it i immediately thought of  rice and chicken in a gold plated  "take away " pack designed my malivelyhood) ....  The boobs made me trip , They looked like grape and half sliced water melon put together ...Her body was fire (she literally put my soul in a microwave).. One other thing i liked about her was lips , i could live on diet of kissing the pair and just water for a year (no jokes)...

Well that aside , bottomline i got closer to le boo and  it was already getting late ,so collected her number  ,  called the waiter and requested my bill , he happily brought  it.. On seeing the bill i was stunned but i wasn't really worried cuz i thought i had this covered ...  I reached for my wallet in an attempt to make payment and behold uncle (my wallet) was missing in action ... at first i thought i was "sumthing like joking sturvs" but i searched everywhere for the wallet and still nowhere to be found .. buh i found out something , " my back pocket had a hole..
Then i flashed back to when i was dressing up to hit the chilling  joint and i remembered wearing the trousers been fully aware of the issue it had , promising myself " i will not put anything in it" ....

To cut the plenty story short , the waiter noticed i was looking for my wallet and so did our lai skinned bae ... What shocked me was when aunty yellow pawpaw stood up to hug this dude that came in with camry and  said to him " where have u been?? , i have been waiting for you like forever and i have been super bored" ... I could believe my HEYES * IN olamide's voice"  our yellow pawpaw lai skin bae slyed my ass without saying shit to me ...  only for her to head to another table with her BF or whoever the guy was..
I was so devastated and embarrassed i jejely requested for a minute to call my neighbour at home to bail me out buh before then i had the option of working a shift as a waiter of the reminder of the night ( to reduce the money i owed).. I was made to serve aunty lai skin and her Guy drinks that night ...
Although i knew i fucked up but somehow i was only angry at aunty yellow pawpaw as if she was the one that said i should lose my wallet .... All i could think of was thunder striking her down and changing her complexion to Ghanaian black (engine oil black) ....
I just said to my sef "you saw someone alone pressing phone and you just carried her boredom as your life mission , SMH"
 I cancel "hanging and chilling  out" through out the month ... If i got bored i will just drink water/ garri and play temple run on my fone or just go to sleep ...  Shekena......
and for the record she gave me a wrong number :(

Miss. Pregnant & Abandoned by a Married Man

An ACE reader left this message in the comments section on one of the posts published today. We decided to share it. We hope the ACE family can offer insightful advice.

I’m 19, fresh out of university and pregnant!
The pregnancy I know is shared blame. I met this guy – I don’t date married men, so my first question was, “are you married?” He said his last relationship ended because of distance due to his job.
Throughout the relationship he never gave me a reason to suspect him. When he heard of the pregnancy at first he said he’ll come to see me so we’d iron things out… then he stopped picking my calls. This Monday I found out he’s married with a daughter, and over the weekend when I tried reaching him, he was in Imo state with his wife for a wedding.
I also tried reaching him with other numbers. He’d pick and would drop the call once he heard my voice or  about the pregnancy!
I’ve gotten details on his wife & daughter my friends are telling me to tell his family. The pregnancy is a high risk pregnancy because I have serious health issues that he’s aware of. I don’t want to wreck anyone’s marriage. But to think he’d lie to me and then abandon me, knowing that without proper care I could lose my life makes me mad.
His Facebook quote says, ‘revenge is a dish best served cold’. I believe the same. He doesn’t even care that I could tell his wife or I could die, he simply doesn’t care.
And someone will tell me to forgive and forget!
What do I do?

Playing Hard to Get by Mary Gold

This was the second time I was reading his text and I was still smiling hard. The corners of my mouth turned up so far I thought my lips were going to tear my face open, my cheeks hurt.
I should stop smiling but I read the text one more time, “The truth is the future still is uncertain. I can tell you two things for certain tho: I enjoy talking to you and however this turns out you won’t wake up one morning and feel like you were played… Not by me anyways. I am going to give you my all.”
I wanted to tell him how much better that made me feel, reply him with how I thought he was great with his words; how I wished we lived closer to each other, and that I’d try to give my all too, but I couldn’t. Instead I typed ‘Thanks.’ Not even with a ‘You’…just ‘Thanks.’
I couldn’t believe myself, but one person would have been so proud of me, for being so cold…my friend. You see, I was trying this new politics of dating called playing hard to get.
Just the day before, my friend had drummed up her regular sermon to me, “Are you mad? Under no circumstance can you let him know you like him first… Never, ever call first, even if the guy calls first don’t pick up, if you must pick up, let it ring for a while before you do… Tell him you’re not available for a meet up, what does he think you are? Jobless? You can only agree to an official date ohh, after you’ve rejected him a couple of times… Let him know you’re a busy woman… Don’t give him your number, he has to beg for it. See you have to make these guys suffer before you let them in, so they’ll not use you and play Ludo oh, that is how it’s done. Don’t you see me?” Yeah, my friend was a comedian…at least I thought so – especially because she took herself so serious.
It all sounded so ridiculous to me. In fact the first time she had a conversation like that with me, I thought I was being punked! I mean I knew of dating stories where the man went through hell to get the woman, but I thought it was because the woman was genuinely not interested at first, not because she was purposely putting the man through it. This was the third time or the fourth time my friend was having this conversation with me. The only thing different this time was the, “Don’t you see me?” Those words challenged me. So I decided to ‘see her.’ If I was being honest to myself it did work for her, but my oversabi self had to take it further. I could not imagine it working for other people, she was just lucky so I decided to do more research.
I had always considered myself a simple person. The things I went through growing up made me thankful for easy things. I wasn’t the one to go out of my way to make life complicated for myself. If I liked someone I’d tell him, even I don’t tell him, I certainly wouldn’t make it harder for him to tell me. I don’t kiss on the first date not because I think a man will label me cheap, but because frankly I don’t know the man well enough to predict the things he puts in his mouth or where his mouth has been. I liked logic like that – things I can rationalize sometimes it worked for me, sometimes not. However, I was about to discover, what’s logic, got to do with it? I might have gotten this dating game all wrong.
My research revealed to me that a good number of successful books like ‘Why Men Love Bitches’ swear that this playing hard to get thing works! The book swears by it. Relationship blogs are filled with versions of telling one, how to play hard to get. In fact, dating website eHarmony advices “Playing hard to get functions to test a man’s motivation, ability to invest resources (time, money, effort, etc.) and sign of his fidelity.” According to this politics, there is a correlation with self worth and playing hard to get. Another point raised had to do with the chase: that men love the chase and they live it. Apparently most men measure how cheap a woman is by how easy you let the process be. If I could insert surprise face smiley here I would. Therefore all along in the bid to be myself, I had been presenting myself as cheap? Can you imagine?
Even with the information I gathered, I was having a hard accepting that appearing mean was the answer to being irresistible to men. There was something fraudulent about it to me. The way I looked at it, if I had to do all of that work to appear that I was not cheap or worthless then, am I not actually cheap and worthless and needed real help, like real therapeutic help apart from pretending to do these things?
I might be reading this all wrong, maybe this is all some sort of keeping up with an appearance thing we women must do, like doing our nails, or wearing heels even though we are not comfortable with it, that there’s no logic or explanation involved. Abeg this one pass me oh, I need answers.

Surrender Your Life to Purpose

We all come to this world hungry to move forward. There is an air of competition and survival that litters our environment
and each and everyone has followed that trail in some shape or form at different stages in their lives.
The problem is, this trail has been laid by convention and society. It has nothing to do with who you really are as a person.
When you step on this path of preparation which leads to ideal dreams of graduation, marriage, children, career success and so on, some climb that ladder and are left desperately seeking and burdened with hunger.
The hunger for more… but more of what, is the question.
This is the point at which purpose has started calling.
And it has always been there-silently seeking your attention through your groans of misery as you face another day’s work in the office, at home, or even in college.
Purpose calls for your attention-and it seeks an audience.
Slowly it grows louder and more determined as your steps move more reluctantly along the path dictated by society and your ears become accustomed to its deep sound of discontentment.
This is the point where you can either stop and listen and begin to speak the language of your dreams, or you could alternatively, choose to ignore its pleas for realization.
For those that stop to listen; this is for you.
Those that have decided to face the path of destiny and give into their dreams. Those that are brave enough to allow their hearts speak truth into a dying situation of discontentment.
When purpose comes into your life, it starts with a whisper. This means you are not quite sure what it is trying to say but you are curious enough to pay attention to its voice.
Most people ignore this whisper even though it carries a clear warning of truth.
How do you begin to acknowledge its voice?
There are steps one can take to ease listening.
Change your thought process
When purpose speaks-fear usually answers. And fear is a force of negativity that suffocates an air of positivity. When you listen to fear, purpose loses its voice in your life because you have burdened your mindset with reasons why you cannot achieve your calling in life.
Speak in faith
Just as fear kills visions, faith awakens dreams. When you respond to the whisper of purpose with an ear tuned to positivity, you have given your faith the root to speak to your purpose. This will enable a language of communication to your heart that will provide steps and stages that ultimately enable you to discover your dreams.
When you start to speak in faith, you empower your purpose
Hence its whisper grows stronger with truth. As this happens, you discover your environment begins to change-this is ultimately because you have allowed your mindset to shift.
Purpose starts to lead your routine
What this means is since you have empowered your purpose with an audience to speak, it will begin to lead you to ideas that will bring forth your desires into reality.
This change is internal before it affects your exterior environment
When purpose begins to speak into your life, and you begin to listen in faith, your heart becomes the breeding ground of determination. Your mind shifts to the process of discovering your dreams.
As this change has occurred internally, your exterior environment has to respond
This is because your steps have shifted and hence you have adopted a new path-hence the environment will not respond in the same way. Suddenly, you realize, with each step, you grow more confident in your walk, your heart becomes stronger with a siren that sings of supervision and enablement. And as you listen, paths of opportunity begin to open.
These are some steps that will enable you to move into your purpose. No one begins this journey with a clear picture of their destination-the importance is in starting the journey.
And when you are brave enough to listen, your purpose will begin to speak and show you the path to your calling in life.
A calling that will enable you to walk in fulfillment and to move in confidence because you have finally started the process of walking into who you are truly meant to become and walking away from who you once were.
This shift is important as it means your mind has graduated from fear into faith, your steps have moved from discontentment to determination, and your words have ultimately changed from the point of negativity to speaking in positivity.
Just watch. Your environment will respond to this change and you will have begun the journey to self-realization.

Today’s Word – The Great Exchange

God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
2 Corinthians 5:21, NIV

If you’ve accepted Jesus today, you are the righteousness of God! That means you are an extension of His virtue. You are approved by Him. You are in right standing with Him. Jesus not only paid the punishment for your sins, He actually became sin. He took sin upon Himself and into His being so that you could take God’s righteousness upon yourself and into your being. It’s the great exchange.
Don’t let sin hold you back any longer. Don’t let the enemy lie to you and make you feel guilty and condemned. First John 1:9 says that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If there is anything in your life that is holding you back today, confess it to God. Let Him cleanse you and make you new. Remember, He paid a great price so that you could be His righteousness. Receive it by faith and be a reflection of Him!

“Father, thank You for cleansing me and making me new. Thank You for making me Your righteousness. Show me if there is anything in my heart that is displeasing to You. I choose to honor You with my whole being all the days of my life in Jesus’ name. Amen.

ACE FASHION : Glam Print


Joey looks at his phone its Gladys calling. He wrings his face as though he wants to tear his skin out. Skeptical about picking the call, he watches it enter miss call. Immediately his phone beeps and he sees it’s a text. Hoping that it’s a random text, he sees it’s from Gladys that reads “I’m glad you finally called it a quit between us, please have it in mind I never enjoyed your bad breath, unshaved armpits and forested pubes. Please for the sake of not killing another man’s daughter do some personal hygiene”. Joey’s manager hears a thunderous shout that interrupts his meeting with major CEO’s from the city of Lagos in his office. He rushes out to ensure the office is in complete order, only for him to see Joey running to the bathroom as he strips. “I don’t want to see that mad man ever in this office” he orders his security.

   Got your attention, hygiene is something many people don’t talk about until they break up. Most times it impales the victim’s personality with a long destructing effect.

   Hygiene is important in our general lives although when it comes to relationships, it is of utmost importance. My attention was captured when I observed that hygiene is something people are poorly taking adequate devotion to especially when they have found that person who is in love with them. “Love is not the bus stop of eliminating personal hygiene; it is the arrival of accurate hygiene” -Newton Paul

   As we grow our body system works twice as fast, the body metabolism works super quick even growth speeds up as the case maybe. During this process, there are several changes the body experience.  Sometime it could be as a result of environmental factor or climatic factor, either way it is mandatory we understand our body system and know how to rescue our way out of embarrassing moments resulting from body odor, mouth odor, unshaved armpits and pubes.

   Let’s look at some rescuing tips that will come in handy to smoothen our relationships.

Shaving: I wish to spend some time addressing this aspect. First of all you need to know the kind of shaving stick product that works for you, skin differs thereby resulting to negative results and we don’t want that. While shaving either loin or armpits, you have to shave downwards. Bumps occur due to reaction, infection or irregular growth of hairs. When hair doesn’t grow in the right direction, it’s likely to cause bumps. Hair majorly grows downwards and not upwards so you ought to shave according to its growing pattern. After shaving, it’s very important you make use of “after shave” or “spirit”to disinfect the area. Some injuries might have occurred since its blade you making use of. *Off record* Staying under a fan or a/c is advisable as you disinfect due to the hurtful feeling one might experience (if you have no light abeg use hand fan. Who says looking good doesn’t hurt? lol).

   But we dont have sex, why shave when no one sees that angle!!! It’s not until you involved in sinful relationship before you take care of your private particulars. Good hygiene boosts your confidence.

*Guys beards are not left out on the shaving category. It’s not until you look like Noah before we know you matured. Trim and shave often to look decent and attractive.

Body odor: Every human should at least make use of three body fresheners which include; roll on, body spray and perfume. They are three different things my brothers and sisters. The roll on is for the armpits and not for the loins, the body spray is for the entire body while the perfume can go for your cloths and some selected part of the body. (Some body odors are so strong you feel like using insecticide to kill it).By the way it’s not just any perfume or body spray that goes some are complete error. Not forgetting regular bath especially those people who sweat a lot, try get soaps or bath gels that have good fragrance.

   “Every day needs clean underwear”. Avoid wearing one boxer or panties twice. Sundry your shoes and wash socks regularly. Sometimes spray them with perfume. (Just a little secret)

   Hygiene has been a silent killer in many relationships. Take out time to talk about issues bothering you about your spouse hygiene in a polite manner and set out constructive ways to let them see why they need to embrace personal hygiene remember the main aim in a relationship is bringing out the best from each other.

   Hygiene is an everyday personal work we must pick interest in and enjoy. We shouldn’t cultivate the habit only when our spouse or loved ones are around in order to please them. Like my saying goes “it is the things you do in the private that makes us glow in the public”. It’s up to you to develop a good personal hygiene which I believe will make your relationship blossom.

10 things every girl must do before she turns 25 (A Must Read) 

1. FALL IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF:the essence of love in our lives can never be emphasized enough. Love makes our lives beautiful.
It is what brings colour and fun to our grey world. Without love, we will only exist without actually living. Love is what makes us live, hopeful that tomorrow will be better. But no one can give out what they do not have. Love has to start with you and not the experimental kind that comes and goes. You have to actually fall in love with yourself. When you love yourself, it becomes easy to nurture your body, mind and soul. You find it easy taking corrections without getting angry and changing yourself for the better without being told. Appreciate who you are and watch your confidence grow. If you don’t love yourself, nobody else will.

2. DISCOVER WHAT YOU ARE GREAT AT: we all are good at doing more than one thing but there is something that sets us apart from everybody and that is our passion; the things we can do excellently with little or no effort. For some people, it may be writing, cooking, dancing, driving, swimming or even thinking constructively. So many people have turned their passions into their source of income; they are fulfilled financially and are always happy making money off what they enjoy doing the most. You can do the same too, it begins with discovering that thing you are naturally great at.

3. LEARN SOMETHING NEW, EVERYDAY: learning is one of the keys to being extraordinary at what you do. With the advancement of technology, it is so easy to get materials that can help you build a better “you”. All you need is an internet compatible mobile and you can download as much books, journals, articles etc. as you want. You can also enrol for classes that will help you become better with your chosen vocation. A girl has more time on her hands when she is still her late teens or early twenties, use that time for self grooming and improvement. Learning, like change, should be a constant factor in our lives. Do not just learn, apply them too.

4. MAKE PLANS: a wise person once said “he who fails to plan, plans to fail”. After the age of 25, so many things are expected of you. People expect you to get married, have a good job, have kids and build a home. Once you don’t make plans for what you want in 5 years or 10, you may end up living your life according to other people’s plans for you. Put it into writing before you turn 25, your goals and aspirations, so that you will always remember and work towards it. Although, spontaneity can also be a very good thing.

5. MAKE AN INVESTMENT: do not let anyone tell you that you are too young to do something as great as making an investment. It could be renting your apartment, buying a car, buying a laptop; something that will make you smile when you look at it. Buy an expensive jewelry, dress, handbag, sunglasses also. These things make you feel proud of yourself; something to boast about.

6. BE FINANCIALLY DISCIPLINED: it is good to invest but it is good to learn how to manage your finances. Spoil yourself as much as you can but learn how to save. Learn to put away little amount of money; daily, weekly, monthly, as often as you can for rainy days. Saving up makes you responsible and accountable.

7. FULFILL ONE OR MORE OF YOUR FANTASIES: you are young, you are allowed to live a little bit recklessly but not too reckless. Write down the list of those fairy tale dreams and work on them. It could be traveling to another country on vacation, partying all weekend long and getting stupidly drunk. Be adventurous, have something interesting to share with your kids.

8. HAVE APPROPRIATE WARDROBE: as you grow older, you should consider wearing age appropriate clothes. Ditch the baby wears and go for something really mature, that will bring out the lady in you. Invest in good quality makeup and underwear.

9. THROW A PARTY: what is life without a little bit of fun. Throw a party for yourself and invite your friends, even from secondary school. It doesn’t even have to be your birthday. A reunion is enough reason to have all your friends together under one roof. Parties are great ways of keeping up with old friends and making new ones.

10. LEARN HOW TO TAKE CARE OF A HOME: many girls are so concerned about being better career women, beautiful and presentable. But not so many actually learn how to be homemakers. Every woman will be taken to a house after her marriage but not all can the house into a home. Learn how to be a better mother to your kids, a better wife to your husband. If you can’t cook, learn. Also take your time to study other basic things that will make your home a warm one.

5 things to remove from your CV

• Whatever does not improve your chances of landing the job e.g. marital status, ethnic group, religion, state of origin and so on.
• Irrelevant job experiences: remove any job experience that does not relate to the new job you want. Upload your CV for a free evaluation Here

·       Unprofessional email addresses and personal social media IDs: e.g.,, or your twitter and Facebook accounts where you post nude pictures, rant about your personal/emotional issues and so on.

·         Salary information: do not include your salary figures or info at your last job and also your expected salary in the new job you’re pursuing.

·         “Referees Available upon Request”: for goodness sakes, why wait for it to be requested before giving it out? If you’ve got enough space, add your references especially if they are very valuable ones that can help you land the job.

That said, you can cut the time, energy and resources needed to create a winning CV by over 80% by simply letting us evaluate your CV for FREE! Click here: upload your CV now!

Why Men Cheat in ‘Simple’ Analogies

EtceteraRead and share your thoughts.

When you heard the news that Toke Makinwa’s husband impregnated his girlfriend, you all took to social media to rain insults on Nigerian men. Why men cheat on women they love became a topic for all female radio presenters in the country.
Aren’t you all tired of asking the same question over and over as if it is some perplexing unfathomable mystery?
Your question is rhetorical, but since it keeps coming up again and again, let me provide some explanations to help you understand the reasons. I will simply tell it like it is, with
no bull, tact, or political correctness.
It’s just that oftentimes; women do not accept the explanations. But in fact, one can understand it through common sense. Sometimes a man would cheat on his wife or girlfriend because he doesn’t love her anymore; he is bored with her, or even possibly unhappy with their relationship.
In such scenarios, even women can become unfaithful as well. Women must understand that men are fundamentally different from them and wired differently too. We all know this but feminists try to suppress or deny this universal fact. A man craves variety and seeks novelty, while women prefer familiarity. Men will naturally desire variety when it comes to romantic/sexual partners more than women will. Men easily get bored by the same thing every day or a routine and we are sometimes afraid to voice this.
Think about this. You ate your favourite eba and egusi soup, and on the second day that you ate it, the pleasure would be noticeably less than the first day. And after a week of eating it, you’d get tired of it and start to strongly desire to eat something else. Your desire for that eba will have diminished at that point.
I know what you are thinking now, “You can’t compare food with people” right? That’s the typical female reaction to this analogy. However, I’m sorry to say that this analogy does apply because it’s one of the best and simplest ways that it can be explained.
I am not trying to objectify people. But by accepting such an analogy, it will start making sense to you that men are more visually stimulated than women are. And when a man relies on visual stimulation for arousal, the stimulation wears off at some point, which then requires new stimulation from new women. Got the drift? In other words, visual stimulation is a sensual thing that is fleeting in nature and requires constant variety in order to maintain the stimulation. Thus, men who seek visual stimulation will require variety from more than one partner or lover.
Women often argue that “true love” never gets old. But the notion of “true love” is indefinable, very personable, and highly subjective. And even for the sake of this argument, if we agree that “true love” never gets old and never wears out, that still doesn’t change what we’re talking about here.
You see, even if a man has true everlasting unending love for his woman, he can STILL desire another woman he fancies. That’s what our women have to understand, rather than cling to naïve clichés of society. A woman’s heart tends to be able to love only one man at a time, a man’s heart is different and can truly love MORE THAN ONE woman at a time. This might be hard for you to accept, and unfathomable to your values and beliefs about “love.” But it is the truth.
A man’s heart is molded differently with multiple chambers that enable him to love and desire multiple women. It’s like a tree with different branches, rather than just one. Men usually won’t admit it, because our society doesn’t accept this, but condemns it.
Ladies, to understand this, think about all the different colours you love. You love pink and sky blue, or red, blue, black and purple. Now, can you like more than one colour at a time? Of course you can! You like the different colours in different ways, on different things, and for the different ambiance and mood that each colour accentuates, right? Likewise, you can like more than one type of cuisine right? Can you like Chinese and Italian foods at the same time? Of course you can. Even if society said you could only like one type of cuisine, it wouldn’t make a difference, would it? After all, society may attempt to create mutually exclusivities, but reality doesn’t.
These are painfully obvious examples, and I am not arguing that people are like colours or food, but such simple analogies do describe what’s going on inside those who love more than one person or like having many lovers. Just because a man tells more than one woman that he “loves her,” desires her, or has feelings for her, does NOT make him a “playboy” or “liar.”
He is not necessarily “playing” in terms of acting, nor does it mean he is using people in some sort of pretend “game” where he doesn’t care about their feelings. These are just false judgements by the society especially a feminist or female dominated society like Nigeria is fast becoming.
To some women, it doesn’t make sense and doesn’t fit their definition of love and loyalty. But it’s the truth. That’s reality and you’ve got to accept it if you want to try to understand it. Not all men unequivocally attach loyalty to true love. Society might do so, but not all human beings do. What women have to understand is that being in a loving relationship does NOT automatically erase one’s desire for other people.
Of course, men who have multiple partners often do have to lie to the women they romance, by telling them that they are the only one when confronted with the issue. So that is one area in which men commonly lie. However, it doesn’t make them dishonest people in general. It’s just that since most women cannot accept that their partner can pursue someone else beside them, demanding total monogamy in love; men with multiple desires for multiple women are FORCED to lie in order to prevent chaos and failure in courtship. There is no easy way around it. And that is the case even if they are generally honest men. (After all, who hasn’t lied? Everyone has at one time or another, so stop pretending to be an angel!)
Loving or desiring multiple women has nothing to do with right or wrong, or being good or bad. It is simply a lifestyle and often these men are simply expressing who they are. Thus, infidelity does not make a man “bad” in a moral sense. Often, these men who romance multiple women are tender, caring, good-hearted, loving, nurturing people. Some are even deeply spiritual or religious.
He doesn’t love you? My dear, the line between love and lust is blurry and subject to personal opinion. There is no universal objective measuring stick for differentiating between “love” (which has so many different meanings anyway) and “lust.”
In reality, a man can find the perfect woman, who outshines the rest in his life, and can even have a perfect relationship with her, but still look at another woman he finds attractive and desires to court her, romance her, and experience the wonders and pleasures of her femininity as well.
Some men get a “high” or adrenaline rush from courting, romancing, or seducing new women, in a way that nothing else can, and thus are addicted to it.
My ladies, there are no perfect solutions or answers to everything. Just accept that some things in life are just meant to be endured, not fixed or solved like an equation.


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6 Ways You Don’t Know You Are Ruining Your Relationship

black couple fighting
The truth is a relationship can record little or no success without a relative amount of effort from both parties involved in it.
The irony of this fact however is that even as you sometimes make efforts to improve the bond in the relationship, you might actually be doing things that will create little problems which could grow into bigger ones as time goes on. Some of the things you do may become habits which are bound to create arguments between you and your partner and may perhaps leave you both less satisfied.
For this reason, we bring to you 6 things are seemingly good good efforts put into a relationship but which may actually be running your relationship subtly. We believe creating a balance with them or taking them out of circulation may have a profound and lasting effect on your relationship.
Giving Your BFF More Attention
It is quite easy to subtly create problems in your relationship when you give your best friend a lot of attention. The level of attention might be quite minute and insignificant at first but as time goes by, your boyfriend might begin to feel threatened. It is essential to create a balance between both and make your boyfriend understand what’s going on.
Seeing Your Partner In Light Of Your Friend
The ultimate relationship goal is always to see your partner and your friend as one of the same but this has the tendency to make you unhappy. It is important you understand the uniqueness of every individual and relating to them as such.
Expecting Your Partner To Be Empathetic
This is more common with women as they expect their boyfriends to feel and relate to the way they are feeling. Expecting your partner to always feel natural empathy for you and always knowing the right thing to say can only lead to problems. It is important for you to recognise the fact that men and women have different thought processes. For instance, check out a scenario when you had a spat with your colleague at work and you vent to your partner. Chances are your partner would want to get to the root cause of the spat. This may lead to either of you getting defensive and frustrated, which may cause a huge blowup at the end of it all. A friend on the other hand could listen to you attentively and empathise with you. This is not to say your partner shouldn’t be your confidant even though you shouldn’t be totally reliant on them.
Watch The Surprises
Surprises make for wonderful and exhilarating experiences in relationships and should be well utilised. They could range from bringing your partner a gift of beer, chocolates, mobile devices and so on. However, too much of surprises may make your partner feel smothered and choked especially if the relationship is new. It’s a nice thing to think up surprises to captivate your partner but make sure you don’t do it more often than nought. Doing it continually may make your partner feel defeated and unable to keep up with you.
Care For Yourself
It is nice to cater about your partner and try as much as possible to make them always have a good time but also remember to care for your own needs as well. A lot of the time, people in relationships feel that sex is all about their partners pleasure and this is mostly common in women. A lot of the time, they fail to bring things up because of the fear of rocking the boat but it is important to ensure that the both of you understand what is going. It is important to talk with each other about your sex lives and other areas and things that you want to be done differently. These things are best done during none sexual moments so that any form of ego bruising can be avoided.
Not Encouraging Them
If your partner has a passion for something or is looking to develop at work, it is important you cheer him on and encourage him whatever way you can. Not doing so could send the wrong signals to them that you are unsupportive. Also, sprucing him up generally even when they are happy about it could upset him and have a negative effect. Sometimes, people tend to focus on a few of the wrong things going on in their partner’s life rather than the very many things that are right. Thus, it is essential to create a fine line between encouraging them to be better and making them feel they don’t measure up. It is this better to err on the side of caution than lose it all.

Today’s Word – It’s Only Temporary

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
2 Corinthians 4:17, NIV

Troubles and trials are only temporary. In fact, today’s verse tells us they are momentary. Compared with eternity, our troubles don’t last long at all! When you stand strong in faith during times of adversity, Scripture says that you are achieving eternal glory. When you confess your trust and reliance on God, you are passing the test.
If you are in the middle of tough times today, look to Jesus. The Bible says that He is the Author and Finisher of your faith. He is the one who writes faith on your heart and then develops it to completion on the inside of you. Your part is to open your heart and choose words of faith and victory.
Remember, your words set the course for your life. As you remind yourself that your troubles are only momentary and confess your trust and hope in Him, you will see His hand moving in your life. Focus on that eternal glory every day. As you do, you’ll move forward in victory and experience all He has for you!

“Father, thank You for working Your eternal glory in me. I cast my cares on You, knowing that my trials and troubles are only temporary. Thank You for Your eternal blessing on my life today and always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Top 10 Expensive Classy Wristwatches

A watch is a small time piece intended to be worn by a person, It is designed to keep working despite the motions caused by the person’s activities. It is designed to be worn on a left or right wrist, attached by a leather watch strap, chain or other type of bracelet.
Lange & Söhne Grand Complication is from the German luxury watch brand Priced at approximately $2,497,000, this grand complication features a grand sonnerie and petit sonnerie in addition to a minute repeater, a mono-pusher chronograph with a split-seconds function and jumping seconds, and a perpetual calendar with a moon-phase display.

One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Jean Dunand Shabaka cost $500,000, it was inspired by a 20th century Swiss art deco artist with movements produced by the talented watch designer Christophe Claret. It is their most iconic model, the Shabaka combines art deco lines with a neo-Egyptian theme as well as a perpetual calendar movement that partially indicates information on rolling cylinders.
jean dunand shabaka watch
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
George Daniel Axial cost $619,ooo, George Daniel Co-Axial Chronograph is considered to be the most important watchmaker of the 20th century, English George Daniels only produce a few dozen timepieces across the span of his entire life. Among his more notable achievements was the invention of the Co-Axial Escapement. It is one of a kind Co-Axial Chronograph wrist watch.
George Dan
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Franck Miller Mega4 cost $2,400,000, at the time of its production the Aeternitas Mega 4 watch by Franck Muller was the most complicated timepiece in the world with over 36 distinct complications. The incredibly complex movement contains almost 1,500 individual parts which litter the dial with hands and dials to indicate all the information.
Franck Muller Watch
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Christopher Claret Eagle cost $595,000, the Christopher Claret DualTow Night Eagle is a modified version of the DualTow concept that typifies the uniquely complex and modern style of watchmaker Christopher Claret. The Time is showing on two moving belts, while the movement also offers a chronograph with a special planetary gear system.
Christopher Claret
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Bulgari Magsonic Sonneria Tourbillon Watch cost $620,000, vividly designed, ultra-complicated timepiece that combined a tourbillon-style regulation system with an array of chiming functions. The movement contains over 900 hand-finished parts and the case is partially produced from the special “magsonic” alloy meant to enhance the music sounds.
Magsonic Sonneria
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World

Patek Philippe Ref cost $762,000. The watch features the manufacturer’s amazing caliber CHR 27-70Q, based on a blank movement created exclusively for Patek by Nouvelle Lemania. The functions include a split-second chronograph as well as a perpetual calendar with phase of the moon indication.
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Ap Royal Oak Grande cost $560,000. The Royal Oak Grande timepiece was produced by Audemars Piquet and it comes with an amazing design. It’s full of complications and some of its unique features include  perpetual calendar, split second chronograph, and minute repeater.
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Richard Mille cost $535,000. This timepiece has a modern design and its external build is made from titanium and aluminum with some artistic designs featured on it. It is an amazing watch with a design that is timeless. It’s fairly simple to understand and less complicated than other competing brands.
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World
Rolex Submariner cost $234,000. A very signature style of the Swiss based watch brand, the watch is a stainless steel timepiece, based with an automatic movement at its center, and is a COSC certified chronometer.
Submariner Rolex
One Of The Most Expensive Watch In The World

6 Social Media Posts We Must Put A Stop To Now!

The advent of social media has eased the sharing of information which was hitherto time consuming.
Nowadays, we can easily connect with friends and family with a click of a button from the comfort of our living rooms, bedrooms or workplace. Despite the ease social media has afforded us, it also comes with quite some pitfalls which all and sundry must strive to avoid. These pitfalls range from posting too much personal information which may get into the hands of fraudsters or people who may use such information against you in the future.
More so, it is important we learn to censor the kind of information we put on social media sites such as Facebook; Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and what have you, so as to avoid getting into trouble with the law. Some people are used to posting words or images that scream for attention which may be annoying to others while some of your acquaintances may just see such posts as stupid. Hence, we bring to you six common posts we are sure you may have made on social media at one time or the other which you may not have known your friends find annoying.
The Cliff Hanger
Mostly made up of words like “Ugh”, “Sad”, “Angry”, “Days like these make me so depressed”
Posts like these mostly mean you want people to comment by asking you what is going on with you. Obviously, a small percentage of your Facebook and BBM friends would be curious enough to ask you what is actually going on with you while the rest mostly know that you are being vague and want attention. These kind of posts are annoying to say the least. Please Stop.
The Shocker
“Going to the Hospital”, “Totaled my car”, “Survived an accident”
If you need to go to the hospital or you’ve just being involved in a domestic or road traffic accident, the last thing on your mind should be putting it up as a status message. It is definitely not the right way to inform your family and friends that something terrible has happened to you. If you’re healthy enough to put it on social media, then you may as well put a phone call through to inform them.
The Private Message
“I know your phone is on, pick up right now “, “Smh why do people have to talk about me behind my back , say it to my face.”
Is there really a need to put this on your social media wall? It is obvious that these status messages are directed towards a particular person. Stop this act and talk to them, messages like this only clog the news feed timeline.
RERE: Married People And Social Media
The Friend list Clearer
“Just cleaned out my friends list, if you’re reading this, congrats!”, “I’m deleting people from my life”
Oh, thanks a lot. It’s a pleasure to be on your friend list because you’re the most special being in the world and I can continue to stomach and read statuses of how much you’re cleaning out your ‘friend closet’. *Deletes*.
READ : Annoying Phone Habits Everyone Must Drop
The By The Minute Update
“Going to bed”, “Time for a shower”, “Class is so boring”, “BRB”
Well, you’re actually boring. What is the actual point of providing a by the minute update of your activities? Who are you actually communicating with? This could open you up to fraudsters and as such put a stop to it.
The Hashtag Warriors
“Going out with Bae! #gym #love #couplesthatlift #cardio #healthylife #getfit #getripped #strong #thebestihaveeverfeltinmylife”
Hashtags are much fun when used the right way. However, an overly Hashtagged post is nonetheless annoying and forms an abuse of its usage. People don’t really enjoy going through the stress of picking out what the words in your Hashtags mean. For instance, woulditbefunifIwroteallmysentenceslikethis, now you know how it feels like.
READ: Old Papa: “I Don’t Understand Twitter & Instagram” – Thierry Henry
If you know you are guilty of some of the six posts above on social media, it’s okay. Everyone makes mistakes. But now you know better.

Things Guys Look Out For In A Woman

Men are not as predictable as we think they are. Yes, they want beautiful women that can turn heads, complete with the perfect curves in the right places but that’s not all they desire in a woman,
especially one they want to spend the rest of their lives with. The quality they want in a woman is not reliant upon the fact that she is a beauty queen or the brightest kid on the block. You can be so beautiful and so intelligent and still not get a man that will be interested in spending forever with you.  So, beauty and brains may be enough to get the man but will never be enough to keep man. These are some of the attributes a woman should posses in order to keep her man; they are qualities every man looks out for in the woman they eventually want to end up with:
1.       Honesty:
There’s nothing more attractive than a woman who a man can trust completely, who is not afraid to share with her man how she feels; her insecurities, wants and dislikes. This is essential to the growth and establishment of a very deep relationship. Trust is very important in building a long lasting relationship where you can be free with each other. You will find no need to lie and it will be easy to communicate with such woman. It is hard to stay with a woman who lies about almost everything and who you can’t trust with your emotions much less your life affairs. Men need women they can confide in at all times.

2.        A Confident Woman:
 Every man wants a woman who is comfortable with herself, who doesn’t need a man to validate her existence. Of course, it is very good for a man to compliment his woman from time to time, assure her of his love for her and show how much she means to him but waiting for a man to sing your praises before you feel good about yourself is a no no. you will come off as very needy and insecure. No matter how beautiful or how intelligent a woman may be, as long as she doesn’t believe in herself or thinks she is good enough for any man, she is going to have a very big problem keeping a man. No one wants a woman whose esteem is nothing to write home about. Insecurity is contagious; no one wants to catch it.

3.       Loyalty:
Men want women who will stay with them through thick and thin, through the good times and especially the bad times. They don’t want ladies who will run away at the first hint of trouble. They want to be able to rely on you and boast of you that you will stay even at the darkest times. A loyal woman proves that they are worth the trouble, they are worth fighting for. You see the old couples you envy and want to be like, they didn’t stay together because the journey was all rosy and it was wining and dining all the way, it was because they stuck with each other despite the problems and dark clouds. Every man wants a woman who has their back every time.

4.       Easy Going:
No one wants to befriend the lousy, trouble maker much less marry them. It is hard to stick with a woman who gives you a heart attack just by thinking of her. If he feels like he is walking on hot coals every time he is around you, he will flee. Nobody wants to get married to a rigid, uptight woman they can’t relax around or be happy going home to. We all want peace of mind, a place to get the love and warmth we don’t get outside. An easy going woman is respectful, kind and passionate. So marrying a woman who is not easy going, easy to relate with is definitely not in any man’s book.

5.       Sensuality And Warmth:
A sensual and warm woman makes you feel on top of the world both in and out of the bed. She knows exactly what to do get her husband to smile especially when he is down. She knows how to turn him on and makes her feel like he is the luckiest man in the world. Every man wants a man like this; a woman who will give him a good reason to run home straight after work. A woman who he can work with to keep the flame in their marriage burning hot.
Every guy wants more than just a girlfriend, they want a companion that is caring, loyal, affectionate, who they can trust completely. They want women they can communicate with, play with, make love to and build an enviable family with. If you think men want the girl with the perfect body, great taste in fashion, sexy and brilliant, trust me you’re wrong. Of course, they want women they can be proud to show off to everyone but they also want women who will make the rest of their lives the best they will ever have.

7 Valuable Points to Note For Successful Networking as A Start Up

Attending a networking event may fill you with dread, especially if you’re not a naturally confident person, but in order to push your business or even your own career,
it is essential that you harness the skills to communicate and navigate the world of networking to become a success. Networking events provide us with the opportunity to meet like-minded people and market our business more naturally than by advertising.
Here are a few points to note for successful networking as a start-up:
Do your Research
Before you book yourself onto any networking event, ensure that you’re doing it for the right reasons. It’s easy to just go in and not really know what to do or how to act, without a pre-thought as to what you actually want to get out of it.
Networking is not for everyone, so access what it is that you want to achieve by going to the event.
When you’re aware of what you would like to gain from networking, you will not appear vague during conversations, and you’ll be able to steer the conversation more naturally.
Whether you’re seeking a mentor to guide your business to success, or finding out specific information from a company to help grow your company. Try to break away from opening questions that will fall flat are after a few minutes and if you have a list of attendees prior to the event, see if you can do some research into their general interests and hobbies so that you’re more likely to have a deeper conversation.

Be Prepared
Business cards are an essential element to help you gain interest in your business, and enable people to follow you up easily rather than having to search the internet for your name or company.
Make your business cards easily accessible, and ensure they’re up to date with your full list of contact details. Not everyone wants to pick up the phone, so include your email, social sites and any other relevant information about your business. This way when it comes to connecting with you, they can do this in the most natural way for them, rather than being forced out of their comfort zone on first contact.
If you’re not offered a business card whilst talking, just ask. It sounds simple but don’t be afraid of showing a keen interest in them or their business. Everyone is using business cards now, and it makes it far easier for a relationship to continue after the event, than the risk of losing an interested person.

Open Up to Opportunities
Even if you’re quite happy with the way your business is growing or the way your career is developing, you simply never know the connections you may find at a networking event.
Just because you’re happy where you are right now, doesn’t mean that you won’t need any help at a later date. Plus you may find new contacts for other purposes that are going to benefit you.
From finding future collaborators to finding funding for your projects, be open to the endless opportunities that networking may offer you.

Dress to Impress
When you’ve taken the time to put yourself out there at an event, make every effort to represent yourself or your business in the best possible light.
We never like to judge a book by its cover, but if you want a professional to back your business you need to show them that you’re serious and that you take the utmost care when it comes to every element of your business, including how you dress. Mind your manners and dress smartly as if it was a job interview. Keep eye contact and try your best to make a good impression, as you and your business are on show.

Make Connections
Rather than asking probing questions that may intimidate people, try to be personable and approachable.
Although you’re all there to talk business, it doesn’t hurt to take a keen interest in other areas of their life. After all we all buy into ideas or products that we feel a connection with, and we always remember the people we like. So increase your likability and spend time taking a personal approach.
Don’t put yourself or your business plan at the beginning of every conversation and take the time to listen to others.

It’s very easy to get caught up in wanting to target the people you feel can help you, but don’t just make it all about them. Navigate your way around the event and take the time to talk to everyone and get an understanding for what others are here for.
Remember that there are many people to talk to from all walks of life that you may learn something from each of them. Don’t monopolise peoples time and be accepting that there are lots of people wanting learn just as much as you do.

Follow it up
Once you’ve finished a networking event and found people that you truly connect with, on a personal or a professional level, it’s common practice to add them on LinkedIn.
Don’t be dismissive of those that perhaps cannot offer you anything immediately, as if they ever change their position, they could be instrumental in helping you with your own success.
Whether it’s a call or an email, follow-up and continue the conversation.
Networking is not just about how many business cards you manage to hand out, it’s about the lasting impression and the way you make people feel.



Why Isn’t He Saying I Love You Yet?

Just because a guy doesn’t say it doesn’t mean it’s not true! There could be many things holding your guy back from saying “I love you.”

1:   He’s afraid of being rejected
Fear of rejection could be a huge factor in why your significant other isn’t showering you with love. Denise Christopher, a dating and relationship coach and founder of the love and date says that you shouldn’t worry if your guy hasn’t said “I love you” yet. “Guys are no different than women when it comes to rejection; they too have a great fear of being rejected,” she says.
Let’s face it – dealing with rejection is no fun. No one wants to say “I love you” and not have those same feelings returned. Your boyfriend may be worried that you don’t feel the same way and won’t reciprocate his proclamation of love, which could be a big factor in why he’s holding back.
“I dated my girlfriend for six months before I told her I loved her,” says Scott*, a sophomore at the University of Washington. “I knew I loved her after about three months, but I was so afraid to tell her that I just couldn’t say it. I had no idea if she loved me and I didn’t want to get rejected. That would just be awkward.”

2:   He had a bad past relationship
Unhealthy relationships from the past could also be a contributing factor. “Everyone has emotional baggage, and often deep hurt can effect your guy’s decision to say ‘I love you,’” Christopher says.
A terrible breakup or an unhealthy relationship can really take a toll on someone both mentally and emotionally. If your guy had his heart broken in the past, he may be scared to tell you he loves you in fear that your relationship will have the same heartbreaking ending. Fear of repeating the past can cause a guy to take a step back and assess the relationship to make sure he’s really committed to it before he takes it further.
“My last serious relationship ended really badly, and it was hard to recover from,” says Liam*, a sophomore at Washington State University. “I casually dated a few girls after it, but I never fully committed myself to them because I was always worried that they’d just end up like my last one. Getting your heart broken is no fun, and whenever I get involved with a girl, I always think about that.”

3:   He doesn’t know how to say it
Maybe your guy is totally, madly in love with you, but he’s struggling to find the right way to say it. After all, it’s a pretty big deal and it comes with a lot of pressure! “Most guys aren’t as verbally expressive as women,” Christopher says. “Your guy may be feeling challenged to actually say the words ‘I love you.’”
While it may seem like a simple thing to say, a lot of guys find it very stressful and straight-up nerve-wracking.
“Like I said, I was absolutely terrified to tell my girlfriend that I love her,” Scott says. “I had never said it to a girl before and I wanted it to be special, but I had no idea how to say it or when to say it or where. I didn’t know if I should tell her casually or take her out to a fancy dinner or make some big, romantic gesture or something. I thought about it way too much, which is probably why it took me so long!”

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