to Share Our Voyage

Do you actually know that?
So I’ve had this little problem which I finally got sorted out today.
For a while it really bothered me so much, to the extent I got nervous thinking about it plus I us to be the type of person that wants everything to be done a particular way, at a particular time and when it doesn’t happen that way, I stress and worry about it “ we all have out short comings”

I would always bug my sister about several tiny issues I have and she says the same thing over and over to me.” You worry too much“. Lol . Whenever she says it, i always reply saying, if I don’t take care of things for myself who would ? But then we had a conversation today that put a whole lot of things in perspective for me .
I had to reflect on my life , several times I worry and try to make things work my own way but they end up taking a differnt turn than expected which eventually results into something way better. It made me realize three things

1. Trust God
2. Let Go and let God {I really mean this}
3. With God there’s no loss. It’s either a lesson or blessing.
 So regardless of what it is you’re going through, worrying won’t change nothing, thinking about it all day won’t change it either so then why stress yourself up. How about you trust an unknown future to a known God?

 For once , trust God with all your heart {you know the type that you won’t let doubt or worry anywhere close to you? I mean you don’t go to bed thinking will I wake up tomorrow? Because you trust God and you believe you will … So Yea that type}  and believe you me darling!!! He will surprise you because he definitely has done so much for me that I’ve lost count . So all I’m  asking you sweetheart is! Give him a chance to sweep you off your feet!!! So I’m asking you again… Do you know that whatever you’ve been through, you’re going through or you’re yet to face … GREATER IS HE?


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