to Share Our Voyage

Grace Music - Thank You Jesus by Gforce Force

Prior to the success of their concert in November, 2015 (On The Rock Concert) which made history in Nigerian Gospel music, becoming the first Christian Rock music gathering in Lagos and probably in Nigeria too.

The rock band comes out again with a smashing Thanksgiving song titled "THANK YOU JESUS", produced by Ace music maker, Michael Bassey [@MykBMix25]. A song that carries divine grace and anointing, reminding every soul about the everlasting faithfulness and mercy of God as it was written in the Bible [1Chr 16:34].
Be a partaking witness as you download and listen.


Press Release For Thank You Jesus by Gospel Force

For Immediate release :
Title: Thank You Jesus
ARTIST: Gospel Force
twitter/Instagram: @gforcenaija
Contact: (+234) 08168379115
Prior to the success of their concert in November, 2015 (On The Rock Concert) which made history in Nigerian Gospel music, becoming the first Christian Rock music gathering in Lagos and probably in Nigeria too.
The rock band comes out again with a smashing Thanksgiving song titled "THANK YOU JESUS", produced by Ace music maker, Michael Bassey [@MykBMix25]. A song that carries divine grace and anointing, reminding every soul about the everlasting faithfulness and mercy of God as it was written in the Bible [1Chr 16:34].
You all should look out for this awesome good music, it drops massively
Anticipate #ThankYouJesus

Today’s Word – Blessings Are Coming Your Way

“May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised!”
Deuteronomy 1:11,

God wants to release favor and blessing into your life. He longs to be good to you. Some blessings are stored up for you because someone in your family line honored Him. It may have been a parent or grandparent, or maybe someone way back in your history that you don’t even know; but because they lived a life of faith, now you are going to reap the rewards. It may have been a hundred years ago, but God wants to increase you a thousand times over your ancestors. When you have those moments where you feel like you’ve received “favor out of nowhere,” that’s the time to thank God for His grace and mercy. Thank Him for His promise to pass down blessings from generation to generation.
We serve a gracious and mighty God, and His favor lasts a lifetime! Open your heart with an attitude of expectancy because blessings are coming your way!
“Father, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. I give You honor and glory today for all You have done for me. I receive Your blessing and look forward to the good plans You have prepared for my future in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Press Release for AYO by Hardey

For Immediate release :
Contact : twitter /instagram @official_hardey

After a long break from the music scene, Ademola Adeniyi known as "Hardey" an undergraduate of Oduduwa University drops another hot banger titled "Ayo" after his previous released song "blow My Mind" which is still gaining airplay on radio stations across the country..

"Ayo" was produced by student music producer of the year at the just concluded #ScreamAwards "Steine Beat"..

You all should look out for this exclusive jam, it drops tomorrow massively
Anticipate #AYObyHardey



Exclusive Interview With a Rising Artist Hardey

Exclusive interview with a rising artist hardey
What's your name and where are you from? 
I am ademola adeniyi isaac , I am from ogun state

At what age did you start doing music ?
I started doing music when I was 14

Who's your role model in the music industry? 
I love so many nigerian artist, my favourites are olamide, wizkid and wandecoal

What else do you enjoy apart from doing music?
I enjoy playing games, I also enjoy doing freestyles

Do you have any jam cooking for your fans out there? 
Yeah, AYO that's the title, I promise you all will love it

Your new single, Who is the producer? 
SreamAward winning producer "steinebeats"

What keeps you going? 
God keeps me going, my family and my real friends 

So what's your advise to upcoming artiste?
My advice is you all should b focused and you should believe in God and in your dream

Thank you for your time hardey, all the best in your career 


ACE FASHION - Burgundy + Viv Skirt Remix


Today’s Word – Completely Satisfied


“Blessed [joyful, nourished by God‘s goodness] are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness [those who actively seek right standing with God], for they will be [completely] satisfied.”
Matthew 5:6, AMP


God longs to pour out His favor and blessing on every area of your life. He wants you to live completely satisfied. But so many people have a misconception about what will satisfy them. Scripture tells us that when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, then we will live in complete satisfaction.
You direct your hunger by choosing what you focus on. For example, if you focus on your favorite food, if you start thinking about it early in the morning and all throughout the day, chances are that by the end of the day, you’ll be eating it! What you give your attention to, you will desire. In the same way, the more you give your attention to God and His Word, the more you will hunger for Him; and when you hunger for Him, you will be satisfied!
The world offers so many things for you to give your attention to, but they aren’t things that will satisfy. You might think you want a particular car, or certain clothes, or live in a particular neighborhood. There’s nothing wrong with those things, but understand that “things” won’t ever satisfy you. Recognize that only God will completely satisfy you, so hunger and thirst for Him!

“Father, I come to You today releasing anything that has captured my heart and attention more than You. Today, I choose to give You top priority and hunger for Your righteousness in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Exclusive Interview with an #AdorableAfrican

Ace Publicity features one of the runner ups for the face of ADORABLE AFRICANS

Tell us about yourself
• My name is mistura bello,am 20years of age,5ft 10inches in height,Slim body,chocolate in complexion.My favorite activities during leisure periods are dancing,swimming,studying etc..

Why do you want to work as a model?
• I work as a model because I have the passion for it and also to embrace my inner beauty.

Why are you interested in this career?
• Am interested in this career because i want to serve as a visual aid to the public,to show off designers who have been given talents.

Tell us about your education: Have you attended fashion modeling courses?
• Am a  biomedical student of "IRGIB AFRICA UNIVERSITY "Benin republic  in my second year.
* i haven't attended any modeling course but have attended runway training.

Why would you think you are fit to be a model?
• I am fit to be a model because have got vital statistics (B34,W28,H38) 5ft10inches tall, also a positive attitude and experience.

What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself  progress in this field?
• My Goals as a model is that I want to make a name in modeling line,also to act as a good role model to people.I see myself progress in this field as I have more experience in the job.

How do you communicate with people? Are you patient? Are you friendly? How open are you to clients' requirements?
• I communicate with people in a well cultured manner.Yes, am a patient person.Yes ,am very friendly.I am sincere,I communicate openly and effectively,shares my knowledge,manage time and meet deadlines.

Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym?
• Yes I eat nutritious meal (balanced diet),when I don't have enough time for the gym,I exercise every morning.

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all, bikinis and all?
• I have no limitations.Yes,Any kind of clothing is fine in as much as it wouldn't expose my nudity.

State your availability: would  you travel? Work full-time, part-time? Any hours?
•Yes I will travel .Part-time for now because of my studies.

ACE FASHION - La Pretty en Roses

Pink floral Dress, faux fur stole
Floral dress and fur stole
Floral dress for wedding event, chicwish floral dress, Valentino rockstud
Wearing a floral dress in fall, Chicwish floral dress

Today’s Word – Fix Your Mind

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Philippians 4:8, NIV

What you think about the most determines the quality and direction of your life. Naturally, people who think positive, uplifting thoughts have happier, healthier, longer lives. They are less stressed, more vibrant and enjoy better sleep. That’s why the Scripture encourages us to think on good things—things that are true, noble and lovely. Some translations say to “fix your mind” on them. When you fix your mind on noble things, you close the door to the negative voices and open your heart to allow God to work in your life.
Choose today to fix your mind on good things. Do whatever you need to in order to keep those good thoughts before you. Write them on note cards and put them in a place where you can see them. Confess God’s promises over your life and declare His blessing on a daily basis. As you fix your mind on the goodness of God, you will be filled with His peace and victory, and see every dream and desire in your heart come to pass.
“Father, Today I choose to fix my mind on noble things. I choose thoughts of peace and victory. Fill my heart with Your goodness that I may glorify You in everything I do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

4 Types of Friends That are Hurting Your Dreams

4 Types of Friends That are Hurting Your Dreams 
One of the greatest impacts on your dreams is the friends that you keep. Your friends will drag you down or they will build you up.

Positive influences can make everything easier while negative influences will make you feel like you’re walking in thick muck. I have allowed the wrong people to sneak into my life more than I would like to admit,   even while knowing that your friends can determine the quality and direction of your life.
Some friends we know we shouldn’t keep but some we are just naive about their negative affect on our life. If you are plateauing in life make sure that you aren’t hanging around with one of these 4 types of friends.

1. The doubter

The doubting friend always wants proof that your dream is possible. They will believe in you as long as they see it. This friend will buy in late in the game but in the early stages of chasing your dreams they will fuel your doubt. When you hang out with this friend you spend most of your time trying to convince them of the vision that you can see. This friend will describe themselves as a realist but you don’t have time to entertain this doubter.

2. The helper

This friend’s heart is right but there help is not helpful. They criticize everything, finding fault in the smallest detail. They are general with praise but specific and cutting with where they think you could have done better. In all actuality, this helper is trying to get your dream to be what they think it should be. This friend will always make you feel like your best is not good enough and increase your doubt. You don’t have time to defend against the helper.

3. The fun friend

This friend is always looking for a good time. The fun friend is a blast to be around but can get you into trouble if you aren’t careful.  Life is a party to this friend and they don’t take anything seriously. This friend may be someone you cut out completely but more than likely they are just someone you need to limit your time with. If you hang around fun friend too much you will have no time to work towards your dream.
“The best way to move forward, is to let go of the people holding you back.”

4. The me friend

This friend is so focused on themselves that the relationship is one sided. This friend has no give and take and you feel used after spending time with them. You may be an enamored attribute they have, that causes you to stay around but it’s just not worth it. In fact this friend is not a friend and should be cut out immediately. You don’t have any room to have a one sided relationship ever, but especially if you are chasing a dream.

Some friends you will need to cut out completely, others you will just need to spend less time with. You must make room for better relationships. As your inner circle changes you will be amazed at how your dreams become easier and more joyful. This journey is too hard to have negative forces within your control pulling at you. There should be no guilt for cutting off relationships. Some friendships are meant for a lifetime but many are for a season of life. Set clear boundaries and stick to them and watch your dreams take off.
Which type of friend is holding you back from your dreams? Leave your thoughts and answers in the comment section below!


Today’s Word – Living In The Rain


“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:10–11, NIV


Rain is symbolic of God‘s blessing, favor and refreshing. His Word is like rain that causes us to flourish and blossom in every area. Scripture says we should live like a well-watered garden, vibrant and growing. We should live under a cloud of God’s blessing. How do we do that? In the natural, a cloud is formed when moisture vapors rise up from the earth into the atmosphere. Eventually, the moisture is so abundant that the rain begins to fall. In the same way, your praise is like the invisible vapors that rise up to heaven and form a cloud. Eventually, your praise will activate an outpouring of God’s blessing, favor and provision in your life.
Do you feel like you are in a dry season? Begin to praise and thank God that He is bringing you through to a place of refreshing. Magnify and bless Him for His goodness in your life. As you turn up your praise, God will turn up the rain, and you will experience His abundant outpouring in every area of your life!

“Father, today I choose to bless and honor You. Thank You for this day. Thank You for giving me life. Thank You for making me new. Thank You for saving me and filling me with Your peace and joy. Rain on me today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

ACE FASHION - Striped Maxi Print Vest


‘Learn to say no’: 5 Steps To Long-term Relationship Success

As a society, we expect to fall madly in love, we want to hear trumpets and whistles, we want to feel butterflies in our stomach and hear birds singing in our souls.
This is how we will know if someone is “the one.” This is how we will know if we have met Mr. or Ms. Right. Hollywood movies perpetuate this experience of true love and romance. And even from a younger age, fairy tales too help us to create and hold on to this story. And truth be told, for those of us who have experienced it, falling in love can be an amazing, exciting and truly exhilarating experience. A high that we would love to hold onto for as long as is possible, but the reality as most of us know by now is much different. We now know that happily ever after is an ideal that is often difficult to achieve and maintain, and in many cases a downright myth. Falling in love may happen initially but we are often left with the aftermath of disillusion, disagreements, incompatibilities, lack of understanding, unwillingness or lack of growth or change, and/or downright sadness, confusion, depression, loneliness and more.

I’ve come up with a short list of things you can do, which I believe, can help you stay in love longer, and extend the lifetime of your bliss.
1. Slow down. Go slow. We are always in such a hurry to control the outcome when it comes to the object of our desires, whether it be sex, going steady, saying “I Love You,” moving in together, marriage, babies, or whatever, it is we are so eager to get to the next step that we often lose sight of ourselves in the process. We lose touch with our friends, we lose touch with our work, family, interests and hobbies. So, slow it down. Let things unravel in their own time. If a relationship takes 1 year, or 5 years to materialize, so be it. What is the rush? (*Note: if you are in a rush, for something such as a biological clock or other arbitrary societal measure, then you are more likely to run into some of the problems I mentioned earlier.)
2. Speak up for your needs. So this is key, because this will set the tone for the relationship for years and years to come. This means saying you need a night off, a few days off even to take care of yourself, whether it be just having alone time, keeping up with your work, your friends, your family, your hobbies, speak up for it, even if you think you don’t want it or need it. Don’t neglect yourself for the sake of the relationship, for the sake of love.
3. Don’t forget your friends. Don’t forget your family. Don’t forget your work. Don’t forget your hobbies. In the early days of blissful lust and romance, it’s easy to become all consumed by your new lover.  It may seem like a wonderful idea to spend every waking moment with them and neglect all the things you used to do. So even if you’d rather spend the evening basking in your love glow, accept that invitation to go to a concert with a friend, go to that party with your pals and leave the newfound lover to his/her own devices. Do some extra work at work, like you used to. Keep your Saturday surfing plans with your surfing group. Just because you are now blissfully in love, does not mean you two are joint at the hip.  Keeping up with you is going to be key.
4. Spend time alone. Go to the gym alone. Go to the movies alone. Do all the things you did as a single person, not always like before, but once in a while. Don’t invite your new lover to do everything with you. I know you didn’t like doing it alone before, but guess what, this alone time is key to understanding yourself, nourishing yourself, and setting the tone for long term healthy relationship patterns into the future.
5. Learn to Say No. Learn to say NO now. If you’re partner is the one always inviting you along, or wanting to tag along. Say No. Even if you think you want them to join you, or even if you just don’t mind.  Getting into a bad habit of saying yes, is akin to neglecting your needs. It might seem like a small thing now, but in the long run, it will help to maintain your independence and autonomy within a connected relationship, in the end, we need to be connected to our partners while also maintaining our selves. In the end, if one plus one equals two, that is better than two halves equaling one.
Maintaining your autonomy and independence will not only empower you as an individual by keeping you strong and maintaining your identity, it can also keep the passion, intimacyand attraction alive for years to come.

4 Ingredients Everyone Needs to be Successful

4 Ingredients Everyone Needs to be Successful

There is nothing that I will tell you that is revolutionary. Most people would probably come up with most of these ingredients, but the secret to success is applying all 4 of them together, that is when the magic happens.
The ingredients in the recipe for success are Focus, accountability, simplicity and transparency.
Here are the 4 ingredients you need to be successful:

1. Focus

Focus is about the what; what is your objective? What does success look like to you? Too often I work with people who are not clear about what their goals are, and if you don’t know what the target is, your chances of hitting them are low. You need to have clarity around the objective and you need to be able to share it with your teams so that they understand it. Then you can all be pulling in the same direction. To improve focus keep goals to a minimum, define them clearly and communicate them repeatedly.

2. Accountability

Accountability is about the who; who is doing the work, do they know what there role is, are the expectations clear, and do you have a process for holding them accountable? Too often initiatives fail because people were unaware of their role and without a way to hold them accountable, by the time you find out they haven’t done what you expected, it’s too late. To improve accountability clearly define the roles and expectations of that role, communicate them and have review meetings to check progress.

3. Simplicity

Simplicity is about the how; how are you going to achieve your goal, have you chosen the simplest approach, have you explained it simply and clearly so everyone understands? We have a natural tendency to complicate things, and complexity is much easier to create than simplicity so we really need to ensure we keep things as simple as possible. Simplicity leads to understanding, understanding increases belief and belief is a big determinant in whether we will be successful or not. To improve simplicity eliminate any unnecessary tasks. Communicate clearly and eliminate any unnecessary technical jargon. You can also ask your team to confirm their understanding.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”. – Leonardo da Vinci

4. Transparency

Transparency is about how far; how much you need to know, how much effort is needed to complete a task and how far you still need to go in order to be successful. Too often, people fail because they lack visibility into what’s needed to be successful and their actual performance. When you have transparency it allows you to be able to track and monitor progress, hold people accountable and to be able to make data based decisions on what you need to do in order to be successful. Transparency into performance is also a great motivator as you start to see progress being made towards the goal. To improve transparency you need to make sure you have done enough due diligence to fully understand what’s involved. You need to create a progress plan and then track and monitor progress against it.

When you have these four ingredients, when you are clear about what, who, how and how far, this will help ensure that you’re on the road to success and that you will reap the benefits of your efforts.
Thank you for reading my article! Which of these four things is your biggest challenge?


ACE FASHION - Blue stripes



Today’s Word – Positioned For Blessing


“How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity…for there the Lord has commanded the blessing…”
Psalm 133:1-3, KJV


God loves you so much. He longs to bless you in every area of your life. Deuteronomy says that He wants to bless you when you come in, and when you go out. He wants to bless you when you’re in the city, and bless you when you’re in the country. He wants to bless and prosper everything you set your hand to. When you are living in peace and unity with the people in your life, you are positioning yourself for God’s blessing. Living in unity doesn’t mean you always have to agree with everyone. It means that you look for common ground in Christ and refuse to allow strife to enter into your relationships.
Today, focus on the things that bring you together. Focus on your faith in God and dependence on His Word. Build one another up and watch how God will pour out His favor and blessing!

“Father, thank You for Your promise of blessing in my life. I choose Your ways today and ask that You help me live in peace and unity with You and others. Show me Your ways so that I can walk with You always. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Flower Child Curl


4 Tips to Writing Down Your Goals Effectively

4 Tips to Writing Down Your Goals Effectively 
Everyone has goals. Whether small (“I’d like to lose 5 pounds before the summer”) or big (“I’d like to make a million dollars next year”), everyone has them.

But there’s a huge gap between having goals and accomplishing them. The act of writing down your goals plays an important part in closing this gap. According to a study done on Harvard MBA students, within ten year’s time, the students who had written down their goals were making ten times as much as their classmates who hadn’t written down their goals.
Here’s how to write down your goals effectively and help you accomplish them:

1. Define your goals

This may be harder than you think. That’s because oftentimes, we get caught up in our daily routines and lose track of our true desires in life. Most people are guided by their circumstances. But there are a few people who shape their lives according to their goals. Who do you think is happier: the person who is defined by their circumstances or the person who creates their circumstances? Which category are you in now? Which category do you want to be in?
Chances are, you’re in the first group. But, the good news is that if you’re reading this article, you’re probably trying to make it to the second category. In order to do this, you have to take stock of your situation. That means taking some time to sit down and reflect. Find some quiet, alone time. Sit down and consider your current situation from all angles and write down your observations.
If you need some help doing this, consider answering the following questions:
  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • What do you have to do to get there?
“It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

2. Look at the big picture

Envision where you want to be next year, the year after or five years from now. Think about long-term goals. Don’t think about details or how you will accomplish them. Simply allow yourself to dream and to think about what it is you truly want. Whether it’s a personal or professional goal, just let your heart speak. Maybe you want to be married with children in five years’ time. Maybe you want to run a marathon. Or you want a job that you both love and that pays you well. Or you want to take time off to travel. Whatever it is, no matter how far from your current circumstances it may be, write it down.

3. Look at the small picture

Now, is when you start to fill in the gap between where you are now and your dreams. What is the first step? If you want to be married and have children, fill out a profile on an online dating site or let your friends know that you’re interested in meeting someone. If you want to run a marathon, get yourself a personal trainer at a gym or join a running club. Maybe visit a sports nutritionist to make sure you’re getting the nutrients you need in order to stay healthy and competitive.
If you want to land your dream job, think about your qualifications. Do you need to take some courses in order to be a candidate for the job you want? If you already qualify, start sending out your resume. If you want to travel, how could you convince your boss to let you take the time off? What about arrangements for a house-sitter or sub-letter? Who could take care of your pets? What other steps are there between you and your goal? Map them out, step by step.

4. Use positive language

When setting goals, try to put things in a positive way. Negative goal setting implies that you’re doing something wrong. It’s like scolding yourself for not doing better.
Below, I will provide 4 examples:
  • Don’t say: Stop dating losersInstead say: Find a successful, loving, supportive partner.
  • Don’t say: Stop being lazyInstead say: Improve my fitness to have the body I want and increase my health, energy and self-esteem.
  • Don’t say: Quit your dead-end jobInstead say: Find a job that matches my skills, passions and financial goals.
  • Don’t say: Stop putting off traveling.Instead say: Prepare the way for an incredible traveling adventure.
Putting a positive spin on the language you use can make you feel excited about tackling your goals. Such attitude will help you overcome hurdles and make you determined to reach your future accomplishments.
“A goal is a dream with a deadline.” – Napoleon Hill
Whatever your goals are, studies show that the act of writing them down can have a significant impact on their outcome. Defining exactly what it is that you want, setting up the steps to get there and saying it all in a positive way are powerful steps to realizing your dreams. So, grab a pen and get started.
Thank you for reading my article! How has writing down your goals changed your life?

ACE FASHION - Green Florals #AdorableAfricans


Today’s Word – No Condemnation


“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.”
Romans 8:1, NKJV

Jesus came to break the curse of sin, shame and condemnation in our lives. He came so that we could see things the way God sees them. Do you know how God sees you? He sees you as valuable. He sees you as strong. He sees you as capable, talented and trustworthy. The voice of condemnation says exactly the opposite. Condemnation is a loss of value. It’s the accusing voice of the enemy that says, “You’re not good enough…you’ll never be good enough…you’re a failure.”
Condemnation is never from God. The Bible tells us there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. No matter how you may be feeling, wake up every morning and declare that the Greater One lives in you. Declare that you are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Declare that He loves you and has called you according to His purpose. Choose to see yourself as valuable, the way God sees you. Embrace His truth so that you can overcome condemnation and live in victory all the days of your life!

“Father, thank You for setting me free from condemnation. Thank You for believing in me and filling me with Your vision for my life. Help me to see myself and others the way You do in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Who Rocked The Red Jacket Best? D’banj Vs JJC

JJC wore this red jacket for his music video shoot, ‘Motiwa’ which has a house party themed concept featuring Olamide.
Few months later, D’Banj was spotted in the same red jacket in Australia with similar shades and beards.


2face’s Biography “A Very Good Bad Guy” To Be Launched 20th October

Nigerian R n B Legend, 2face Idibia celebrated his 40th birthday few weeks ago with a ‘FORTYFIED‘ concert at the Eko hotels and suite.
As part of his 40th birthday celebration,he was supposed to launch his biography which has been titled “A Very Good Bad Guy”. The book should have hit shelves on September 18th but has been postponed till the 20th of October.
The launch of the book will be held at Terra Kulture to be hosted by comedians Tee A and Ali baba. The author, Ayeni Adekunle Samuel revealed in a recent interview that the name of the biography, ‘A Very Good Bad guy: The Story Of Innocent 2Face Idibia’ ,was chosen by Sound Sultan.


Do you actually know that?
So I’ve had this little problem which I finally got sorted out today.
For a while it really bothered me so much, to the extent I got nervous thinking about it plus I us to be the type of person that wants everything to be done a particular way, at a particular time and when it doesn’t happen that way, I stress and worry about it “ we all have out short comings”

I would always bug my sister about several tiny issues I have and she says the same thing over and over to me.” You worry too much“. Lol . Whenever she says it, i always reply saying, if I don’t take care of things for myself who would ? But then we had a conversation today that put a whole lot of things in perspective for me .
I had to reflect on my life , several times I worry and try to make things work my own way but they end up taking a differnt turn than expected which eventually results into something way better. It made me realize three things

1. Trust God
2. Let Go and let God {I really mean this}
3. With God there’s no loss. It’s either a lesson or blessing.
 So regardless of what it is you’re going through, worrying won’t change nothing, thinking about it all day won’t change it either so then why stress yourself up. How about you trust an unknown future to a known God?

 For once , trust God with all your heart {you know the type that you won’t let doubt or worry anywhere close to you? I mean you don’t go to bed thinking will I wake up tomorrow? Because you trust God and you believe you will … So Yea that type}  and believe you me darling!!! He will surprise you because he definitely has done so much for me that I’ve lost count . So all I’m  asking you sweetheart is! Give him a chance to sweep you off your feet!!! So I’m asking you again… Do you know that whatever you’ve been through, you’re going through or you’re yet to face … GREATER IS HE?

The Princess & her Prince! Dolapo Oni & Gbite Sijuwade’s Pre-Wedding Shoot by TY Bello

Dolapo Oni Gbite Sijuwade TY Bello 3
TV Star Dolapo Oni and her husband Gbite Sijuwade, entrepreneur and son of the late Ooni of Ife, tied the knot in London yesterday – 
However, their pre-wedding photos which were taken by TY Bello featured in ThisDay Style today.
The gorgeous enchanted garden shoot has us smiling from ear to ear.
Dolapo Oni Gbite Sijuwade TY Bello 1

Dolapo Oni Gbite Sijuwade TY Bello 2Dolapo Oni Gbite Sijuwade TY Bello 4

Exclusive Interview with an #AdorableAfrican

 Ace Publicity features one of the runner ups for the face of ADORABLE AFRICANS

Why do you want to work as a model?
I have a thing for fashion and i have always wanted to do some modelling. and when i have reached the pinnacle i plan to reach in modeling i want to branch out and become a designer. I model for my own designs for a start.

Tell us about your education ? Have you attended fashion modeling courses?
I am a graduate of covenant university. Studied accounting. I haven't attended a fashion modelling school.

What are your goals as a model?
My goals , to become a renowned model and work with big names and then with determination and hardwork I will progress and reach the top.

How do you communicate with people ? are you patient ? 
I communicate freely with people although am kinda shy. I am a patient person. I am very friendly. Am very open.

Do you eat nutritiously ? how often do you exercise?
I eat nutritiously and I eat a lot. I do exercise seldomly. I go to the gym not very often tho.

Are you registered to any modeling agency?
I am not registered to any modelling agency

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all, pants and all?
Yeah I can model any kind of clothing.

State your availability: would  you travel? Work full-time, part-time? Any hours?
Yeah I would travel...buh on a part time basis

The Easiest Way To Find Your Purpose

The Easiest Way To Find Your Purpose And Unlimited Motivation 
One of the biggest reasons of unhappiness is boredom. We get bored too quickly in our modern world—there is too much spare time.
These days we have more free time than ever. We get comfortable in our lives and spend our evenings watching TV shows and live for the weekends. People are always looking for ways to kill time. But why? Time is your most precious asset.
People who are working on their life’s work are never bored. These people often work seven days per week. However, for them, it is not perceived as work so they never get bored. You will see that if you find your meaning, all you want to do is spend time on things that will fulfill your purpose. Life and work merge into one.

What’s your purpose?

Everyone on this planet has a purpose—your job is to find out what that is. Some people are destined to be great mothers or fathers. Some people are destined to be artists. You do not have to be a world leader to make an impact on people’s lives. As a voluntary worker in a third-world country, you will help more people than any individual who sits at home, playing video games.
You can still give meaning to playing video games, as long as you are entertaining the world with your videos on YouTube, for example. It also proves to be a good source of making money as well.
The point is that everyone gives a different meaning to his or her life. Frankl says that one way to discover our personal meaning in life is by creating a “life’s work”.
You can give your life meaning by focusing on a goal. Many people think of names such as Steve Jobs, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, or Stephen Hawking when it comes to life’s work. It is a good thing to look up to these people for inspiration. However, most people see their own life’s work and say, “I am not Steve Jobs or anything.
When it comes to finding your purpose, some people argue that you first need a purpose to make the right decisions in life. That does not have to be true—how we act towards finding our meaning is more important than having a meaning. It is impossible to find a general meaning of life, for the purpose of your life depends on your decisions.
“Those who have a ‘why’ to live, can bear with almost any ‘how.’“ – Viktor E. Frankl

A simple exercise to discover your purpose

Remember: finding your purpose does not come to you within a day. It takes time to think and understand the concept first. But by answering the following question for yourself, you can make it a lot easier to find your purpose:
Imagine yourself living in a world where you do not need money to survive. What is the one thing that you love to do? How would you spend your days? Taking away the restriction of money makes it easier to think about what you actually love to do. People often take jobs just because they need the money. You can make money in multiple ways, so do not worry about money when answering this question. Be honest to yourself, and then worry about how to make money off the thing you love to do 365 days a year.
Alternatively, you can ask yourself, “what do others say that I am good at?” We often have skills and talents, that we do not see, hidden inside of us. However, other people might recognize particular skills and talents you have. This can be a good way of finding out your strengths so you can develop them. Be careful, however, you do not want to do something just because other people say you are good at it. It should be something that you love to do as well.
So why do you exist? If you do not know, that is great, start giving meaning to finding your purpose. If you do know why you are here, that is also great, spend every waking minute on your life’s work.


Exclusive Interview with an #AdorableAfrican

Ace Publicity features one of the runner ups for the face of ADORABLE AFRICANS
Tell us about yourself
Omotara Badmus,19yrs old ,300 level computer science student of oduduwa university ipetumodu osun state.

Why do you want to work as a model?
Modeling is an expressive art form that tells a story without words and am fully in for it. I want to work as a model because  I want to and I have great passion for it,i have always been a stylish person.....Fashion is a deep passion of mine

Why are you interested in this career?
I am interested in this career because ever since I was a kid, I've always watched fashion runwayshows on tv,go through models rack in magazines since then it's been more than a dream!!!

Have you attended fashion modeling courses?
No, I have not attended any fashion modeling courses.

What are your goals as a model? How do you see yourself progress in this field?
Have an agent that believes in me and have a portfolio strong enough that photographers are requesting me to build their books.Rise to the top of my agents division with agents working with me in all the major markets and land me my first cover.Have my face recognizable enough that clients are now trying to sell themselves to me, not my agent selling me to them and I want to be a beauty Queen,An ambassador,have my own agency,makeup academy and a dance school lol I love dancing!!!!! Godwilling i'll get there

Do you eat nutritiously? How often do you exercise or go to the gym?
Yes I eat nutritiously (Lots of fruits and water) and I exercise often and hit the gym once in a while!!! I can be very lazy when it comes to that at times

Are you registered to any modeling agency?
No, I am not registered into any modeling agency

Do you have any limitations? Would you model any kind of clothing at all , bikinis and all?
I don't have any limitations I would model for any kind of clothing!!!

State your availability: would you travel? Work full-time, part time? Any hours?
I work part time because of school but I am always available Travel? Sure I can!!!

ACE FASHION - Black Shades #AdorableAfricans

Work style, pencil skirt  and cable knit sweater
Fall work style, pencil skirt  and cable knit sweaterFall work style, pencil skirt  and cable knit sweater
Fall work style, Zara pencil skirt  and cable knit sweater
What to wear to work, pencil skirt  and cable knit sweater

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