to Share Our Voyage


Chukwuka Ndubuisi popularly known as BISHOP XL, drops his new single titled "SILILI WELELE" Pod by Dekumzy, Mixed by DJ Willie O.


DAFIDI live in Concert

HOUSE OF DAVID proudly presents;

DAFIDI live in concert (A one day worship experience / love gathering )

(A one day worship service for orphanages to show love and promote a God fearing foundation )
-over 20 orphanages
-over 1000 congregation
-a feast that brings most churches in Ibadan under one umbrella of worship
-over 10 worship minister to usher people into God's presence including DAFIDI
-over 5motivational speakers to talk on building a God fearing foundation
-over 5 preachers of the word
-over 20 firms n companies

Venue: greatest love church, akobo ibadan
Month:November 2015
Watch Out!!!!!

4 Reasons Why People Fail To Succeed

4 Reasons Why People Fail To Succeed 
This speaks to the bigger issue at hand. People have no idea of what success really means within their life.
When thinking and speaking of success, all thoughts are based off of opinion within mainstream society, rather than their own internal views. Such thinking sets many people up for failure who are seeking the path towards success dependent on thoughts of others, rather than their own.
Let me tell you 4 reasons why this occurs:

1. Not knowing yourself

You would be amazed to know how many people who are living in this world who have no real sense of self identity. Their identity and operating mindset within the world is programmed by outside societal influence. Therefore, they are a clone of a system with many other identical clones.
This leads to group think and no one can be successful who operates under the constrains of group think because they cannot perceive the world around them for themselves. Success is allergic to people who do not possess the ability to think for themselves; nor can form their own way of doing rather than being told what to do by others.
Their life is controlled by:
  • Media
  • Parents
  • Friends
  • Spouse
  • Government
  • Job
People allow these different entities to dictate how their life is structured, causing them to misinterpret what actually brings value to their existence within the world. The greatest danger to a person is not knowing who they actually are when no one else is around to tell them so.
Action steps:
  • Take a day or two of alone time to be by yourself, away from everything and everybody, to only be with yourself and your own thoughts
  • Perform a self analysis of yourself , identifying your strengths and weaknesses
  • List out your dreams and identify the fears you have which will make your dreams difficult to achieve
  • After this time of self evaluation, devise a plan that positions you as the leader of your own life, living life by your set of standards

2. Inability to recognize false images

People see the person driving the Mercedes Benz S550 and think success. What they do not see is that the person driving the Benz is in a panic because that car note is due, the mortgage is behind and other high priced expense are due; which have them drowning in debt.
People easily get aroused by visual stimulation, without knowing the truth behind the publicized facade of many who fake success. When your internal being is miserable, you are not successful. Real success produces the ability to think freely and do as you wish on your own terms.
False images blinds an easily influenced person’s ability to see what truly matters beyond public opinion. Therefore, they fill their life with junk that constricts their ability to live a life of freedom and success.
Action steps:
  • Learn to see life beyond material possessions and the need for outside validation. People and things are not constant, they change and disappear as time goes on
  • Live below your means until you can comfortably live well. This is accomplished when money can be utilized as a resourceful tool, rather than a desperate need
  • Develop your emotional intelligence skills. This skill helps  you gauge people beyond what they publicly display in order to see them for who they truly are

3. Unwillingness to pay dues

It is quite scary to realize how many people want the rewards of success without putting in the hard work to produce success. We live in a world of instant gratification, which means people feel they have a right to get what they want immediately. This can also be classified as unwarranted entitlement behavior.
People don’t understand that when climbing the ladder of success, they actually have to start at the bottom of the ladder and proceed upwards. There is no such thing as beginning one to two steps from the top.
Reaching the point of success means a series of actions were performed, that built upon one another to produce the desired results. This is not just done with a snap of a finger and a wishful dream of becoming successful. Real, consistent work is required on the path towards success.
Action steps:
  • Seek mentorship from those who have the success you want. Wise council of experience helps avoid costly mistakes produced from arrogance and ignorance
  • Never make excuses nor put off until “tomorrow”. Doing so only increases entitled behavior
  • Look beyond where you are today in favor of where you are positioning yourself to be tomorrow so you don’t become impatient and lose faith in yourself
“Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.” – Pablo Picasso

4. No goals in which to measure success

Success is a planned destination and not a spurt of random thoughts and actions put together on the whim of sporadic thoughts. Success is produced when a person can envision the end game in mind and set out to develop the most effective actions which make it conceivable.
Without goals used to measure actions against and chart progression, a person operates without any real direction. It is imperative to know where one is currently, where they are going and how they are getting there.
Goals hold a person accountable to themselves and sets the standards for their ensuing actions. Goals create discipline and focus, which are key ingredients for success. No Goals = No Success
Action steps:
  • Set a clear vision of what you want for your life. Many people merely exist, you want to produce a desired lifestyle
  • Create goals which must be accomplished in order to stay working within your designated vision, leading to continued progression
  • Review your vision everyday and rate your daily actions in order to ensure they are consistent with making your vision attainable

People fail to succeed due to various issues but it all boils down to themselves being the culprit of their failure.
The one thing that is certain is that they really do not understand success nor its process. They hear the word and visualize what they believe it to be but they never truly internalize the meaning of success.
Thank you for reading my article! Please comment below!


(Tips For Guys) Things Girls Really Love To Hear

If there is one thing that drives men nuts, it is trying to figure out what a woman really wants to hear.
Most men know that compliments should work, but working out the right compliment to use is not as easy as it sounds, because, if a compliment is said in the wrong way, it will just seem insincere and mean nothing. So guys, if you feel that you always seem to put your foot straight in your mouth, every time you open it, read these ten things that we know girls absolutely like to hear.
1. The truth
One of the most important things girls like to hear is the truth. This is more than just a cliché, this is a fact! Don’t spin stories of how the dog ate her birthday card, or how the Amazon delivery guy got mugged in your street on his way to deliver her birthday gift. Tell her the truth and admit that you forgot it was her birthday and then say you are sorry too! She won’t be impressed by your temporary amnesia, but she’ll be even less impressed by a lie that she will see straight through anyway.
2. “You are the first real woman in my life”
Tell her that she is the first woman in your life that you have truly loved, and that will make her feel really special. Don’t make it sound like you have said it a million times before, to a million other women, though, or it will kind of lose its effectiveness!
3. “What do you think?”
This is another one of things girls like to hear. By asking for her opinion, and valuing it when you get it, you are showing a woman that you respect her and that you want to do things that will please her. Ask her what car colour you should get next time, or which model, and ask for her opinion when you are buying clothes. You know that she has an opinion, so let her express it, and she’ll love you all the more for doing so.
4. You’re the best friend I have ever had
It’s important for a woman to know that she is liked and trusted, as well as loved and, strangely, they can be two different things. She doesn’t expect you to take her everywhere, but she will love it, if you involve her in all of your life and share things with her.
5. Wow! You look gorgeous!
Another one of things girls like to hear is a compliment. Notice when she does something different to her hair and notice when she is wearing something new. Everyone loves compliments, not just women, so don’t be shy about giving her some! Tell her how much you appreciate all the effort that she puts into looking great for you. Compliments will also tell her that you are not interested in anyone else, so it will put her mind to rest on that score too.
6. Tell her how you feel
Don’t be afraid to tell her how you feel either, because that shows that you are being honest with her and that you trust her enough to open up to her. Tell her how much you love her, but also tell when you are scared. Sharing your innermost emotions with her can only bring you closer together.
7. I love it when you…
You know all those sweet little things that she does for you? Well, tell her that you do notice them and that you do appreciate her doing them. A little bit of appreciation never goes amiss, so don’t let all these little things that she does go unnoticed.
8. Come and meet my friends
Telling a woman that you want her to meet your friends is another one of those things girls like to hear and it shows her that you want her to be accepted by those friends and, it also shows her that you have no secrets to hide. She wants to be a part of your life, so let her in, and she will feel even closer to you then she did before.
9. “I love your smile”
It could be her smile, it could be her laugh, or it could be her eyes, but do tell a woman that you appreciate something else about her, more than just her boobs! There is a lot more to love about a woman, than just the usual stereotypical parts of their body. Let a lady know that she is loved for more than that, she deserves it.
10. Tell her you love her!
This is one of the most important things girls like to hear. Stop beating around the bush and tell her straight. If you love her, then tell her that you love her. Don’t, whatever you do, leave it too late to let her know that one. It’s probably just what she wants to hear.

Exclusive Interview with Gospel Act " C-WONDER"

 Great  Gospel Act C-WONDER has promised his fans and well wishers that this is not the end but the beginning of great music from him

Whats your full name and where are your from?
My names are Nzeribe chibuikem kingsley

Whats your genre /Style of song?
I call  it  gospel gospel

Who's your role model in the music industry?

I am singularly not interested in other peoples kind of singing for then I will want to do a song like thiers,for me ,I rather go anyhow the lord leads me  through his spirit  i.e I just flow with the  holyghost
how long have you bin  doing music?
For a while now,I was in the circular circles  while I was  in school,but I had an encounter with the lord God almighty and that changed me forever, so therefore putting my circular history n my gospel history I cld say  7yrs now.

At what age did you start music?
I  wrote my first song  when I was about 11 yrs of age.

What's  the title of your first song?
It didn’t have a title

What song are you working on at the moment?
Its called plenty money,I know the  Christian community even the world are gonna jump at the tititle but , I have always believed in confession, even our salvation is gotten by us confessing our belief n Christ Jesus,that he rose from the dead,so this song is  a confession of  prosperity financial wise

Who produced this song?
The song was produced by willie o and I,I brought the blue print and he built the house.

What else do you enjoy doing apart from music?
I love preaching the gospel, ,table tennis,I love mentoring little kids

What keeps you going?
The  Holy ghost, He never lets go and yes I love Him

Thank you for your time
“You’re always welcome”

Today’s Word – Living The Full Life

“The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it…”
Psalm 24:1, AMP


God wants you to live an abundant and satisfied life. He wants you to enjoy the fullness of the earth and life’s experiences. When you open your mind to new things and new situations, you are broadening your horizons and opening yourself to new opportunities.
It’s easy to get stuck in a rut, doing the same thing the same way all the time. But when you open yourself to new people and new ideas, you are making room for God to reveal Himself to you. You are making room for Him to work in your life. Make the decision to explore something new this week. Take a different route home from work. Try something new on the menu at lunch. Be open to new people who may not necessarily look like you or act like you. Let God direct and broaden your horizons. As you do, you’ll encounter new opportunities and live the satisfied, full life the Lord has in store for you!


Heavenly Father, I open my heart and mind to You today. I ask that You help me broaden my perspective so I can experience the full life You have for me in Jesus’ name. Amen.

22 of Drake’s Most Memorable Motivational Quotes

25 Drake QuotesDrake is arguably one of the best artists in music today.
What a lot of people don’t know about him is his extreme motivation to reach a certain level of success, not just in music, but also in life and other business ventures he is involved in.

Here are 25 of Drake’s most memorable quotes and lyrics:
1. “Never let success get to your head and never let failure get to your heart.”
2. “Kill them with success and bury them with a smile.”
3. “Haters will broadcast your failures, but whisper your success.”
4. “People will wish you all the success in the world and then hate you when you get it.”
6. “Judge me, and you’ll have no time left to love me.”
7. “It’s never too late to realize what you want in your life and it’s never wrong to fight for it.”
8. “You know its real when you are who you think you are”
9. “Smile and let everyone know that today, you’re a lot stronger than you were yesterday.”
10. “Strength isn’t always shown in what you can hold on to, sometimes it’s shown in what you can let go of.”
11. “I’m not confrontational, but if someone challenges, I’m not going to back down.”
12. “Always felt like my vision been bigger than the bigger picture.”
13. “Everybody dies but not everybody lives.”
14. “The moment I stop having fun with it, I’ll be done with it.”
15. “Know life is just a game in which the cards are facing down. I’m in the world where things are taken, never given how long they choose to love you will never be your decision.”
16. “I was born to make mistakes, not to fake perfection.”
17. “Life can always change, you have to adjust”
18. “Pain makes you stronger. Fear makes you braver. Heartbreak makes you wiser.”
19. “Count your blessings, not problems.”
20. “Everybody has an addiction, mine happens to be success.”
20. “I’m trying to do better than good enough.”
21. “Before you give up, think of the reason you held on so long.”
22. “When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.”


ACE FASHION : Final Days of Summer


3 Steps To Help You Stop Chasing The Wrong Dream

 3 Steps To Help You Stop Chasing The Wrong Dream
From a young age, others dream for us. Usually it’s well-meaning parents calling out future potential. Then teachers, coaches, pastors, and others in authority, cast their hopes for us.
It becomes harder and harder to tell the difference between others dreams for us and our own dreams. Their dreams become ours.
The problem with others dreams is that to see our dreams come to reality they must come from within. It must be authentically you and no one else. If we do actually achieve others dreams, it is empty and stale because it is not our true dream but a counterfeit. Others have predicted and decided our future and we have wasted years of our life.
When you are chasing someone else’s dreams disguised as our own, you don’t have time to dig, search and find your unique dream. It becomes a distraction from the life you truly desire. Most of the time we have a small feeling it’s not a true dream but we keep on pressing in the same direction. We have been led astray and don’t fully know the extent.
If you think you may have been chasing the wrong dream or need more clarity follow these 3 steps to dig out your dream:

1. Be alone with yourself

We must be alone with ourselves to turn off all of the voices except the one that is internal. In this busy society we must be intentional to make this happen. Technology is unrelenting and a constant distraction. The noise makes it impossible to see the bread crumbs of your passion, talents, and abilities. The other reason alone time is important is because we often bring others in too early in the process of evaluating our dreams. Alone time must be a constant to help refocus and reevaluate.
“We all have two choices; We can make a living or we can design a life.” – Jim Rohn

2. Write it down

Writing down and putting on paper our dreams, is a necessity. When a dream is written it reminds us of what is non-negotiable. There will be aspects of your dream that you will need to let go or change but there must be things that you won’t budge on no matter what. Writing helps us to distill the difference. Writing also serves as a place to go for hope. We will get discouraged along the journey and we will need to put fuel in our tank. Fuel comes to us be reconnecting with our vision. Put your dream in writing so that you will have an anchor to come back to.

3. Feedback

Feedback is a crucial step but a few words of caution. First, we shouldn’t get feedback too early in the process. Make sure that you are firm in where you stand. Second, be cautious of who gives you feedback and who you listen to. Many times we are excited about our dreams and share them with the wrong people. Find others that have been where you want to go and get their feedback. Find out what it takes to get there. They will prepare you for roadblocks, hurdles, and challenges along your journey. They will help you tweak your dream but remember certain parts of your dream must be concrete.

Today’s Word – He Gives Good Gifts


“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father…”
James 1:17, NKJV


God has so many good and perfect gifts in store for you. Not only does He offer eternal life through His Son, Jesus, but the Bible is filled with His generous and abundant promises in this life. He wants to bless you with provision and supply all your needs according to His riches in glory. He wants to pour out His abundant favor on you and cause everything you do to prosper. He wants to bless you with spiritual gifts to make you strong in your inner man. He wants you to enjoy your job and be proud of your work at the end of the day. These are all gifts from God.
Every good gift from God is meant to draw us closer to Him. Oftentimes, people have a picture of God shaped by experiences that have happened in the past or experiences with their earthly father. I encourage you today to let go of any past ideas and see God according to His Word. He is good and faithful, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him! Seek Him today and experience the life of blessing He has in store for you!

“Father in heaven, thank You for Your good and perfect gifts. I open my heart to You today and ask that You help me see Your goodness so that I can know You more in Jesus’ name. Amen.

ACE FASHION : Apple Green



4 Creative Ways To Own The Art Of Captivation

 4 Ways To Own The Art Of Captivation
Facts and figures are important in business, but in today’s world people are also looking for that wow experience, that means you have to share your information in a way that excites others instead of in a way that bores them.

People are mesmerized by brands that possess emblematic qualities. The amount of success you will achieve in business is determined by your ability to connect with people in a unique way. If you learn how to captivate your audience it will increase your company’s visibility, increases the sales of your services and products, as well as generate feedback that leads to referrals and repeat business.
To own the art of captivation, you must do these 4 things below:

1. Be a good spin master

You want to be a good Spin Master. Having an ability to spin a story in a way that captivates your audience will make people feel connected to you. If you can keep a captive audience you will elicit an emotional response that motivates people to act with their hearts, minds, and even their wallets.

2. Solve a problem

Be able to eliminate any problematic situations that your future clients might be experiencing. When you focus your attention on delivering the best products or services possible, solving problems will be a byproduct of your actions. You save the day and become the hero! You solved their problems. You saved them time and refuted their thought to look elsewhere.

3. Explain how it works

People like simplicity. Explain how things work so they will be equipped to avoid obstacles. Your ability to simplify complex concepts in an intelligible manner will win over potential clients every time.
“If you can’t explain it simply you don’t know it well enough.” – Albert Einstein

4. Inspire them

People are inspired by actions. Make sure your actions are congruent with those of integrity. Your behavior, your character, and your reputation will inspire people, to invest in you and your business.

A great example of spinning a story, solving a problem, explaining how it works, and inspiring people are the new State Farm commercials. They suggestively tell you in a humorous way that they are going to be there for you. Down to their jingle, ”Like a good neighbor State Farm is there.” They draw you in.
Letting your customers know that no matter what, you will go above and beyond to take care of them is exactly what you want your customers to know about you.
Thank you for reading my article! Please leave your thoughts in the comment section below!

ACE FASHION : Tropical Prints



Today’s Word – Sweet Fragrance


“For we are the sweet fragrance of Christ [which exhales] unto God…”
2 Corinthians 2:15, AMP

Our lives are supposed to be a sweet fragrance to God. Think about how a wonderful aroma affects you personally. When it’s springtime and the flowers are blossoming, everything feels new again. The sweet aroma in the air is a sign that the flowers are fresh and alive. It catches your attention! It makes you want to take a deep breath and partake of the wonderful sweet fragrance.
God feels the same way about you! He loves wonderful aromas, and when you are living your life to please Him, it’s a beautiful fragrance that captures His attention! Just like the aroma in springtime is a sign that the flowers are alive, the aroma of your life is a sign that Christ is alive in you. It is pleasing to the Father! The next time you experience a fresh fragrance, remember that your life is a fragrance unto God. You can rest in knowing that He is pleased with a heart that seeks after Him. As you continue to seek Him, you’ll be that sweet fragrance and experience His wonderful hand of blessing in every area of your life.

“Father in heaven, I come to You today surrendering all that I am. May everything I do please You and be a wonderful fragrance to You. Keep me close to You today and always in Jesus’ name. Amen.

IMET 2015 - An exclusive interview with the CEO of DEW events

Image result for damolia events world event facebook
Quick Interview

Ace: Please introduce your self.
DEW: My Name Is Ade-ajayi OluwaDamilare, The CEO (DEW Events World) And Also The Brain Behind IMET.

Ace: Can you tell us the Full meaning of IMET ?
DEW: The Full Meaning Of IMET is International Mega Events Training.

Ace: What is IMET all about ?
DEW: IMET2015 is An Empowerment Events Training Program which Consist of 95% Practical ; Building up Stars and Young CEO's in The Event World, Injecting Great Virtue and Skills into IMET Participant in Different fields of Events.

Ace: What are the benefits of being part of IMET ?
DEW: There's a lot Of Benefit Each Participant Will Enjoy During IMET2015 Training, is it The Skills , Creativity , knowing How to approach and Deal with Clint as an Event Planner ,etc just to mention few:)

Ace: What does IMET offer ?
DEW: We offer Different Trainings In Event Decoration, Event Planning and Management, Bead Making,Making Of Ankara Bags and Shoes, Make-up and Make Over Training ,How to make Smallchops,BBQ fish and Chicken , Assun, Shawarma and Cocktail Drinks of Different Recipes.

Ace: What are the advantages of IMET ?
DEW: The Great Advantage For IMET Membership is 
(1)DEW Events World will Help The First 3 Best student to Register Their Business Name at The Cooperate Affairs Commission (CAC)
(2) Every Student Will be Given a Certificate at the End of The Training .

DEW event will give away free engagement decoration for four lucky couples

Your Award Wining Decorating Company (DEW) Present a Special give away Decoration to 4 Lucky Brides.

Damolia Event World!!!
DEW Your No1 Decorating Company

In Celebration of 4years in the Event World, DEW is ready to Give Some Special Give Away to 4 Lucky Bride’s


4 Lucky Couples get to benefit from our Give away:)

¤ Are You Getting Married Between 28th February- 17th October ?

¤Are You Having Your Traditional and White Wedding Ceremony in Lagos/Ibadan ?

¤Send a Mail To or Call/Text +2348079710899 or +2349032244782 and provide the Following information …
Date of Events

Venue Of Events

Number Of Guest For Both Events

Our GiveAways

1st Lucky Bride: Free Engagement Decoration and Fresh Flower Bouquet for Bride.

2nd Lucky Couple: 75% off Engagement Decor and Fresh Flower Bouquet for Bride .

3rd Lucky Couple: 50% Off Engagement Decor and Fresh Flower Bouquet for Bride.

4th Lucky Couple: 25% off Engagement Decor and Fresh Flower Bouquet for Bride.

Entry Close:  1st Of October  2015

Your Satisfaction Is Our Pride !!!

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