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Today’s Word – Choose To Trust


“Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust…”
Psalm 40:4, ESV


Trusting in the Lord is a decision we make just like we would choose anything else in life. You chose what to wear today, you probably chose what you would have for breakfast, and you can choose to trust God today, too! When you choose to trust God, there is a peace that settles on the inside of your heart. There are blessings in store for you when you trust Him.
No matter what you are facing in life today, have faith that God will come through for you. Trust that His Word is always true. In Psalm 32, David calls God his “hiding place.” In other words, not only can you choose to trust God in the midst of your difficulty, you can actually hide in Him and find rest for your soul. When the circumstances of life seem overwhelming, choose to trust that God is ordering your steps. Find security in Him knowing that He’s making your crooked places straight and leading you into the everlasting life He has prepared for you!

“Father, today I choose to put my trust in You. I know that You are a good and faithful God, and I trust that You have my best interest at heart. Help me stay focused on Your goodness today in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Today’s Word – The Promises Of Peace

“I will listen to what God the Lord says; he promises peace to his people…”
Psalm 85:8, NIV

No matter what is going on in your life right now, the Lord promises that you can have peace. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the economy, in your relationships or at the office; nothing in this world can take His peace from you. But notice the first part of this verse – we have to do our part. We have to listen to what He tells us to do.
You may be thinking to yourself, “God doesn’t speak to me.” But once you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you become His. The Bible says that you are His sheep, and you can hear His voice, and the voice of a stranger you will not follow.
The Lord speaks in many ways. First of all, He speaks through the Word of God. But sometimes, He speaks through the encouragement of a friend, or through a song, or in the beauty of nature. Sometimes it’s a simple “knowing” deep down on the inside of you in your spirit. If you aren’t sure how God speaks to you, ask Him to teach you. Open your heart and be willing to hear His voice. As you take time to be still and listen to Him, He will speak. He will reveal Himself to you and give you peace all the days of your life.

“Father, thank You for Your promise of peace. Today, I open my heart to You and ask that You teach me to hear Your voice clearly. I will listen, I will obey, and I will walk in Your ways in Jesus’ name. Amen.

How Do I Keep a New Guy Without Intimacy?


Hey guys,
I need some opinions about something so I decided to share a true story.

We live in a world where sex has become the order of the day…. well not for everyone. I’m 21 and ready to start a sex free relationship 😂 The joke’s on me because it sounds impossible but I’m serious.
I had this boyfriend that was extremely randy we had three wild rounds each day 😒 I’m glad I survived … but behind the love making was this void. I felt I needed more. Everything became monotonous and his skills with his magic stick faded 😧
So did my appetite for him. In summary we broke up and went our separate ways after five months in May, after he cheated on me.
In less than a month I met someone else and instantly we had this weird connection 💕💕 I stared into his eyes for more than two minutes and he stared back in a weird but cute way. My mum saw him trying to introduce himself but he wasn’t properly dressed 🙊 so she stopped him but I enjoyed the view😉.
I couldn’t tell his tribe but his name said it all. He has the side beard and I consider it sexy. So we got talking and now we’re dating.
He’s not the patient type and I’d like to take my time. I don’t want to rush into serious intimacy. My question is … What do I do, knowing he’s not patient and I’m scared of losing him?

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Today’s Word – Be Strong In The Lord

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”

Ephesians 6:10, NIV

Everyone has times when they feel weak or discouraged, but you weren’t meant to live that way day in and day out. You don’t have to walk around feeling defeated or depressed. You can have joy and peace no matter what is going on. God has a good plan for you and strength for the journey!
God wants to give you his supernatural joy because His joy is strength! His joy isn’t based on circumstances. It isn’t based on the news, the stock market or the housing economy. God’s joy is based on Him and who He is.
Take a moment and think about all God has done for you—He’s given you life; He’s cast your sins as far as the east is from the west; He has a good plan for you—those are reasons to get happy! Ask Him to fill you with His joy today as you meditate on His goodness. Put a smile on your face and rejoice in the Lord no matter what is going on around you. The joy of the Lord will give you strength so you can embrace the victory He has prepared for you!

“Father, thank You for Your joy which is strength. Thank You for empowering me today no matter what I may be facing. Fill my heart with Your joy and peace so I can stand strong in all things in Jesus’ name. Amen.




“My Wife is Lazy, Our Maids do Everything Even Cook my Food”

African American Couple Fighting
A divorce-seeking retiree, Joe, told an Igando Customary Court in Lagos on Tuesday that his wife was too lazy and had left everything in the house to maids.

“My wife is very lazy; she has left everything in the house for our maids to do, including cooking,” Joe, 57, alleged.
He told the court that his wife, Rita, 45, to whom he had a 19-year-old marriage, could not do anything, and usually flared up and disappear from the house whenever she was queried.
He said that it was owing to such laziness that he was forced to take their children to a boarding school for proper care.
The petitioner accused his wife of financial recklessness, saying that she could not manage a business outfit he set up for her.
“My wife mismanaged the business I established for her. Her shop is now empty and she keeps demanding for money every time.”
Ubigho said that his wife packed out of the house four weeks ago, and declared that he was no more ready to take her in.
He begged the court to dissolve the union as he was tired of the marriage and no more in love with the wife.
Rebutting the allegations, Rita, a businesswoman, said that it was her husband that chased her away from the house threatening to bathe her with acid if she did not leave.
“My husband threatened to bath me with acid if I refused to leave his house; so, I packed my belongings to stay with a woman whom he knows very well. I Pleaded with him to allow me stay in his house, so that I take care of my children.”
She accused her husband of vandalism, saying that he destroyed the car he bought for her.
“My husband damaged the car he bought for me, he stopped me on the road and demanded for the car key and declared that he was no longer interested in giving me the car. I demanded for an explanation and he threatened to burn me with the car if I refused to comply, before I knew what was happening, he started destroying the windscreen.”
The mother of three said that she did not mismanage the business her husband set up for her.
According to her, it was her husband that ordered her to use the business money for new shops he was building, promising to pay her back.
“Most times, he will come to my shop with strange people, remove some goods for them and promise to pay me– which he never did. Anytime I ask for the money, he will fight me.”
She promised to take good care of her husband and the children and urged the court not to dissolve the marriage as she was still in love.
The case has been adjourned till Aug. 17 for further hearing.

Paul Okoye on why he’s Always Smiling: ‘If you are not married you will never discover the truth about it’

One half of the PSquare music duo, Paul Okoye had a chat with Vanguard newspaper recently and he couldn’t help but gush about his lovely family – especially about his wife Anita.

Describing his marriage as a beautiful experience, he shared
“I never knew it’s a beautiful experience until I married my wife. If you are not married, you will never discover the truth about it. Whenever I sit down and look at my kids, I always say, Oh my God, these are my kids! I love my kids and I love my wife. That’s why I’m always smiling.”

Emotion Coaching, Step 5: Helping the Child Problem Solve and Setting Limits

The last step of Dr. Gottman’s Emotion Coaching system is to set limits while helping your child to problem solve.
This should come naturally to any parent, as humans are drawn into the advice-giving stage of problem solving conversations. The conclusions that we have drawn in our own research mirror the findings of popular child psychologist and bestselling author Dr. Ginott, whose communication system involves the following principals:
  • Never deny or ignore a child’s feelings.
  • Only behavior is treated as unacceptable, not the child.
  • Depersonalize negative interactions by mentioning only the problem. Ex: "I see a messy room."
  • Attach rules to things. Ex: "Little sisters are not for hitting."
  • Dependence breeds hostility. Let children do for themselves what they can.
  • Children need to learn to choose, but within the safety of limits. Ex: "Would you like to wear this blue shirt or this red one?"
In today's posting we will describe the five key steps of problem solving discovered by Dr. Gottman in his own research on Emotion Coaching, as well as explore their underlying principles and the effects of their application to your child's development:

1) Set Limits: In the likely event that your journey into the thorny lands of problem solving is made especially prickly by  your child’s misbehavior, it is important to understand the key element of setting limits. The key element of limit setting in this case, contrary to much popular parenting literature, is to avoid harsh criticism of your child’s actions and instead focus on the emotions underlying their behavior. Here, we take Ginott’s advice in making it clear to a child that, although their behavior might not always be acceptable, their feelings and wishes always are. While discipline is necessary in raising your little one, Dr. Gottman makes a further note in his discussion of disciplinary methods.

Note: While a 1990 survey of college students exposed that 93% were spanked as children, the consequences of spanking have been scientifically proven to be troubling. According to Dr. Gottman, past research studies have shown that “spanking teaches, by example, that aggression is an appropriate way to get what you want… [and that it] can have a long term impact as well, and that spanked children, “as teenagers… are more likely to hit their parents… as adults more likely to be violent and tolerate violence in their relationships,” and that “interestingly, studies of parents who have been trained in other methods of child discipline show that once they find effective alternatives, they drop the spanking.” Apparently, more reasonable methods will suffice. As an added bonus, we think your children might be grateful.
2) Identify Goals: If you dive from Setting Limits into Identifying Goals and find yourself floundering about in a whirlpool of confusion, chances are that you dove too fast! Luckily, clambering back up onto the safety of the first step will allow you to avoid the misfortune of drowning. Make sure that you are hearing your child, understanding their feelings, empathizing and labeling them, and generally applying the four steps of Emotion Coaching before embarking on this one with greater confidence. When your child is ready, you can begin to identify goals by clarifying and understanding their ideas in solving the problem at hand.

3) Think of Possible Solutions: Without taking too great of an authoritative role in the problem solving process, thereby inundating your child with your own ideas for possible solutions, make suggestions to your child at a rate which they can process. It is important to treat a 5 year old differently than a 15 year old when making problem solving suggestions. As a child grows up and matures, the number of solutions you can offer to come to problem resolution will increase. Few children under ten are equipped for abstract thinking, and can only deal with a few ideas at a time, while older children are able to engage in brainstorming and have the ability to understand the theoretical implications of similar experiences they (or you!) have encountered in previous problem solving attempts.

4) Evaluate Proposed Solutions Based on Your Family’s Values: This step is relatively self-explanatory. Asking questions about the ramifications of possible solutions according to your family’s moral or ethical system will help to instill your family's values in your child. If a kid wants to deal with Johnny’s ill-advised teasing at school by asking all the other kids to ignore Johnny at recess the next day, you might want to ask the following questions: “Would that be fair?” “Would it work long-term?” “How would Johnny feel about that?” “Is there anything else you can think of?” Hopefully, a less absurdly ineffective plan can be devised. Luckily, talking through problem solving in the context of your family’s values is a classic example of two birds/one stone: if you try to encourage your child to practice an abstract ethical system in a theoretical context, you are figuratively throwing a very heavy stone into an endless void. Young kids have little experience with hypotheticals and abstract concepts, but inspiring your little ones to see these values at play in a  situation they are currently dealing with is an incredibly effective method of teaching your child about ethics and simultaneously solving the problem at hand!

5) Help Your Child Choose A Solution: The final step in Dr. Gottman’s problem solving system is the one with the greatest potential to empower kids dealing with difficult situations. While enhancing their abilities and confidence in thinking for themselves, you should feel free to give advice and offer up anecdotes from your own experience in dealing with similar problems. Talk about what worked, what didn’t work, and why. Once you have chosen a solution the two of you can agree upon, you can work together in figuring out a plan for its implementation. Remember that we all learn from our mistakes! This is not the last time your kid will face a difficult situation, but if you work through the relatively minor problems they experience while they are young, they will be better equipped to deal with more intense predicaments and moral quandaries later in life.

This weekend, practice putting Dr. Gottman's 5 Key Steps of Emotion Coaching together, and see the difference this research-based system can make in your family's life. If you want to find out more about raising emotionally intelligent children and teaching them skills they can carry with them from toddler years into adulthood, see Dr. Gottman's clinically recommended book, Raising An Emotionally Intelligent Child. Also, be sure to check out Drs. John and Julie Gottman's new Emotion Coaching Workshops! While the July workshop is already sold out, you can join our wait list, or come to workshops in Seattle or North Bend on August 12th or October 9th. Attendance is limited, so get your tickets soon!

Bayelsa Man Commits Suicide Over Wife’s Alleged Infidelity

A man in Yenogoa, Bayelsa state committed suicide over his wife’s alleged infidelity.

The deceased, who has two children, reportedly drank an insecticide called Sniper, after finding out the news, Vanguard reports.
According to the report, an eyewitness stated:
On Monday, the husband went to fetch vegetable in large quantities for his wife to sell. After harvesting the vegetable, the husband told the wife to return home after market to prepare dinner for the family.
“However, the dead husband became worried and suspicious at about 7p.m. when the wife did not return as instructed and went in search of her at his in-law’s house.
“At the mother in-law’s house, he was told she had gone to the father’s place at Ayama. At Ayama, a concerned friend took him to the home of his wife’s lover, where he caught them in bed.”
According to him, the wife’s lover, a suspected cultist in the area, had threatened to deal with the aggrieved husband who for fear of his life, hid himself in an uncompleted building before going home to drink the deadly substance after locking out his two children.

4 Reasons Why You Do Not Get That Job As an International Student

It is very important for any Nigerian that has the opportunity to go to university outside the country to gain some work experience in that country.

Let’s think back to our independence. The reason we have independence today is because people who were abroad saw the advantages gained from independence and decided to come back to lead the fight for our independence for a better Nigeria. The same principle applies; the UK is far more advanced than Nigeria in many sectors of business. For Nigeria to move forward we need foreign financial investment and most importantly people with international experience and exposure. In fact international corporations are aware of the value international exposure brings to the future growth of their firm, and they factor it into their long-term growth strategy. A good example is PwC – the international professional service firm, in order to become a partner there is a compulsory requirement to get an international work placement. Below are the four reasons why Nigerian International Students do not get internship or graduate jobs:

We Lack Work Experience
I have had the opportunity to review a lot of CVs for people and I have noticed something common with most Nigerian students – they emphasize their academic excellence more than anything else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but to an employer a 1st class or an A* only tells the employer that you are good at storing information in your head and putting it down on paper. It doesn’t tell the employer you have the essential skills, such as leadership, networking or even presentation skills, for their business to grow. Work experience, whether it is in corporate world or a charity, will enable you to show off some of those keys skills that employers love to see.  You don’t need relevant work experience or paid work experience to gain those skills.

We Start Late
In the UK timing is so important. Most employers will aim for their new employees to start around September for graduate jobs and June or July for summer internships. Therefore, some employers will open for applications as soon as August (the year before). Some really keen students get their internships and grad jobs sorted in good time before they even start Uni. I have seen a lot students realize that they need an internship or a grad job way too late in the recruitment process. At this point most applications are closed or filled up. An early start gives you more options that can increase the probability of getting a job.

We Give Up
It’s a Nigerian thing; we are all to used to calling that uncle who knows the MD or CEO of a company that can get us that internship or job in 24 hours. I myself have enjoyed that privilege once; unfortunately it is not the same in the UK. Even those who have connections in the UK do not get the job in 24 hours they still have to go through the long recruitment process. With this 24-hour mentality most of us tend to give up after we get rejected the first three or four times. Not knowing that the only way to succeed is through failure. As long as we learn from each experience. I have had to send 52 applications before I actually landed my first job. Never give up. We must learn that every  time we fail, we are given an opportunity to learn and become better.

We Have A Cultural Barrier
This is something I still struggle with a little. Needless to say, the British culture is different from the Nigerian culture. What we see as acceptable will be different from what the average white British person sees as acceptable. I was invited to dinner at my Scottish friends house. As a Nigerian man I turned up to his house empty handed and with an empty stomach. It came to my understanding later on that he was offended by that, I was suppose to at least bring a bottle of wine or dessert. That concept of you inviting me to your house to eat and me bringing part of the dinner was very new to me. Obviously this example is not career related but we can see how our cultural difference can offend one another without even realizing. This can then hinder us from achieving well at an interview or an assessment centre. How do we combat this important issue? It’s simple; all we need to do is ensure we embrace diversity in our friendship groups. This is the safest way to learn a different culture and gain exposure. If you are privileged enough to study in the UK you don’t only get an international qualification but you also get the opportunity to mix with people from different backgrounds. It is essential you utilise it.
Some people may read this article and it may be too late to go back to the UK to apply for jobs. What is very important here is that we ensure we give the knowledge and opportunities we didn’t have to the younger generation. Share this with someone young that you love or care about.

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